Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Standing on 3 Beans, I Can See Forever

While the moon, Conjunct with Juno and Saturn Quentil's Pluto,  Drawing us into a great potential for the healing of power relationships particularly within our romantic spheres (or more precisely healing the way we play with power in our romantic spheres) rewriting the negotiations of our interpersonal stories. Demanding what we need and negotiating for mutual gain,

The moon Trines Neptune in Late Aquarius In retrograde as we search for a sense of spiritual truth that can translate into an equality and openness, a deep sense of a great coming future.

And Neptune is Quentil Jupiter.  Which means that if we relax, and have faith in our own internal spiritual process, that if we do not rush to answers but simply sit and listen to spirit, there is a wonderful realm of possibility for internal expansion on a real understanding of strides we want to take in a practical sense.  Put very simply with Mars Squaring Jupiter From Leo, and Mars Quentiling back to Saturn, what we are talking about is a grand opportunity to find practical roads to expand in a physical way toward spiritual goals.

These grand possibilities are not necessarily liable to look that grand, acorns are never as impressive as oaks, and yet...  This is a time to listen, open and embrace little steps, small new paths, this is a time to enable grand spiritual truths with little material direction.

Be open to messages, start small.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who traded a cow for beans.  Three small beans.  That grew and grew and grew and reached to the kingdom in the sky, he climbed the beanstalk slayed the giant and brought the blessings of heaven to the people of the earth.
They may only be three small beans, but they are your three small beans...  Its a good time to find your beans.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We do Best for Everyone, when we begin with Ourselves

Once again, (as so often has happened over the last few years) we find ourselves with Pluto in the middle.  Like  an astral body with a Napoleon complex, his reclassification pointing out that he is only a dwarf planet after all, Pluto has been demanding attention the way only Pluto can.  

Pluto is about power.
Pluto is about self esteem.
Pluto is about belief in our own deserving.

By the simple fact that we exist we deserve love, we deserve a space in this universe, in this world.  We deserve a right to decide what happens to our bodies, to our spirits to our hearts and minds.

When we believe that we do not deserve these things honestly and outright, we usually try to get them in subversive deals, tricky cons, ways that deprive others, or try to trick others out of their sovereignty, out of their space.  We may overstep, believing we are defending our ability to have whats ours.  This is how the darkest moments always begin, with a sense of desperation, with a sense of payback with a sense of being a victim.

It is in the moments when we feel most challenged that we must be the most fearless, the most open to equality.  We must be bold in our deserving, and fearless in our defense of even our enemy.  

In this square, this ongoing issue, lies Uranus.

Uranus who beacons in the new world at every moment.
Uranus who opens the air,
Uranus the great egalitarian god of the ancient sky,
Father before fathers, and paradoxically the bringer of all future.
All things are equal under the sky god, and nothing, nothing nothing is personal.

These two, still in a long term struggle and lets face it, even when not aspecting each other power and revolution, ideals and politics are forever in the important process of changing each other, redefining each other and restructuring our reality in a great grand dance.

But it is a dance that while it is easily viewed on the grand scale begins intimately and incredibly personal, and is only changeable in daily practice.

To put our personal hades, our personal Pluto to use, we must pay close attention to what we bury, what we hide from our sights.  We must listen and evaluate and challenge our victim roles.  We must demand absolute direct honesty in the deals we make with others, a good rule of thumb?  Make every agreement verbal.  If it sounds gross when you speak it?  If it sounds like a ridiculous thing to ask?
Then that's probably a good thing to know.

We must also be aware of our Personal Uranus.  We must keep our horizons open.  We will refuse expectations.  We set our aspirations hi, we open up to new ideas, threatening ideas, liberating ideas.

A Meditation/Affirmation for Times Such as These:

I stand, in the light of day worthy of love, of life.  I have a right to drink the rain, to work the ground, to eat the fruit of the vine and to sleep on my mothers breast. To rise in the morning with a vision of a better world, each day, and to be surrounded by beauty all the days of my life.  Make me the hand of mercy, of peace of Justice.  Give me the vision to see a greater hope, the resolve to carry it forward, the strength for it to prosper in the world.  And may the next generation rise up and shock me for they may see a greater justice, a greater peace, a greater mercy, because it will mean that I have done my job.  And may the universe grant me the strength to bend rise up and lend my hand to the new till the end of my days.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Libra Leaning into new Power

This is the fourth in a series of articles focusing on progressions and growth for each of the 12 solar signs.

As the sun enters Libra harbinger of negotiations, we wish a great year to our Libran friends on that beuatiful moment we are gifted with once a year to revisit what it means to be us, as time goes by.  To take a look back at where we have been and reassess where we are going, and to just plain celebrate the act of living!   What we astrologers call a "solar return" (a birthday).  Here we gift our solar Libra friends with a look at the lessons a Libra is working through over the course of their lives.
And as we did for Virgo, Cancer,and then Leo approximately a month ago each, respectively, here we look at Solar Libra in terms of the progression [For more info on progressions]  which is the natural place that the characteristics of a planet grow into.  In this we retain old abilities, while acquiring new "energetic tools" in our tool belts.  Always remembering that progressions only come into full play when we make the effort to grow and actively engage in life.

Planets in Libra are naturally progressing  first into  Scorpio, then Sagitarius and eventually Capricorn...  The sun sign is the easiest progression to follow.  A progressed placement may be calculated beginning with the natal chart.  For every year a person has been alive you just add exactly 24 hours to the chart you are looking up (even easier, most programs and websites will also do this for you if you simply choose the option marked progressed chart). 

For a detailed description on how a progressed chart is calculated please see the explanation in the Cancer articleand the article on progressions.

Remember Libran, when we talk about the sun progressing into Scorpio (or anything else), we are not talking about an automatic fore-gone conclusion, but a likely end result of paying attention and actively participating in life.

Sometimes, we define ourselves , stubornly setting an expectation of identity and refuse to learn, or just become oblivious to our hearts desire as it evolves.  Often we sink into a numb unhappiness that we are barely aware of.  The solution?  FOCUS ON YOUR PROGRESSIONS!

The first goal of every Libra is to master the realms of Scorpio. There is a natural progressive flow from Libra to Scorpio, from Scorpio to Sagitarius and because of the natural way these flow from one to another one cannot learn the progressions of Sagitarius without first mastering those of Scorpio.  They really operate as stepping stones in many ways.

So in case it ain't obvious always stop where you left off, and don't ever be limited by ANYTHING!  If you feel you have mastered Scorpio and it does not appear your progressed sign is yet in Sagitarius, don't worry keep learning,  the progression represents a rough approximation of what someone is likely to have been able to accomplish.  Challenge yourself, just remember to take it one step at a time!  There is always a new skill to acquire a new fabulous way of doing things!

SO, diplomatic, alluring Libra as we enter into your solar returns, (birthday to the uninitiated) let me offer you some thoughts!

First love everything about who you are.

Then: Learn to claim personal power by facing shadows, and refusing to give away our power.  Seize your emotional strength through emotional responsibility and holding the line on where you place the trust of your heart.  Love fiercely.  These are the lessons of Scorpio.

Next: Learn to take chances loosen up, see the world optimistically and embrace the exciting adventure of it all, as you embrace Sagitarian flow!

Next: Learn to lay down boundaries assert the rules make plans and build in a solid sense in the real world... in short, get your crazy Capricorn on!

If you have gotten far enough in your personal growth to need the next step after Capricorn , you deserve at least enough of a break to wait for the beginning of Scorpio and my blog on her progressions!
Good luck, great growth and much much  much Love!

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fehu Gifu Bjarka: The Covenant of Wealth Venus,Juno,Saturn Conjunct in Libra

Venus is coming into tighter and tighter conjunction with a Saturn-Juno Conjunction, in her own day house of Libra.  As the Sun begins crossing to Libra herself.

Here Venus comes into a very dominant role, and as she comes conjunct with Saturn's responsibility and limitations and Juno's sense of negotiation for personal needs within a relationship.  Venus of course represents our sense of beauty, of attraction and attractiveness, and simply our sense of joy and pleasure.  In a very real sense on a deep spiritual level Venus represents what wealth means.  She represents a wealth of joy.  She represents what desire means, and what it means in a reciprocal way.

And here is what I want to get at.  In Libra the conversation is about negotiations, about making things work for all sides, finding the best of all worlds.  Right at this moment, western culture has managed (for the most part) to find its way to a very strange idea of what wealth means.  Let me explain:

To do this I would like to look at 3 runes from the Elder Futhark (also the Uthark, if you follow that theory).  In many ways these 3 things represent an understanding of wealth, gift and bounty, and these are the three things that must be understood to recognize an idea of wealth from whcich we have migrated.

Fehu (top left of picture) is the rune of wealth, and represents cattle, domesticated heard cattle

Gifu (center) is the rune that translates often as gift, but may also be translated as Boon

Bjarka (Byarka) is the rune of the birch tree and represents fertility and bounty- birch is a source of sugar

When we think about these three runes we can get an understanding of ancient heathen-Germanic understanding  on the subject of wealth.  

When a cultural understanding of wealth is understood in terms of a herd, it brings to mind a very interesting thing.  Unlike gold or silver, heard wealth requires a "give-back" a daily investment in care.  More-over it is a wealth that requires a community to keep and maintain.  

In a very real sense our ancestors made a sort of agreement with the ancestors of cattle, sheep and other domesticated creatures, that we would give care, and help their progeny to expand their ranges and continue, and at the same time they would aid us, and our progeny the same way.

Gifu, is gift, but one must understand that a gift in the ancient thought meant a bit more.  The reason why gifu appears like our "X" is because gifu or a boon represents a reflexive relationship.  A gifu was given by a king, chieftain or Lord for and to cement loyal service.  Within the idea of accepting a gift was the implied alliances, give-backs and general good-will in which it implied.

This returns us back to the idea of reciprocal wealth that we began with in Fehu.  We go from the "gifu" of the wealth of the herds, to the "gifu" among the peoples, and finally we end with Bjarka, who is the Sugar of the land, that which we all live on and need equally.

I mention all these things because it seems to me a good time to examine how "Gifu" "Fehu" and "Bjarka" are functioning in our lives.  How do we tend our herds?  Live up to the contracts of our wealth? Keep faith in wealth with the peoples?  Accept with reverence the sugar of the land?
This is not a question of the letter of the agreement, for unlike legalistic tradition, these are agreements made through action, through history, through the very act of living.  

I have a covenant with the land, and the givers of my food.  Human, plant, animal.  The givers of my wealth and the communities from which real wealth ultimately issue.  How much give-back are you giving?  How much are you asking for?  Either way Gifu must function with an equality.  Generally if we are not copping to a cost it is coming one way or another, sometimes from our souls, sometimes its a charge against the future. Think about it.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Riding the Ship of Faith: Moon Trine Pluto, Neptune Sextiling between

The funny thing about writing this column is that generally, a tricky energy is functioning in my life or mood in the same way they are in the greater world around me on which I am reporting (funny that).  Now, all energies are not equal to all people, and for sure they hit each individual, well individually.  This may be affected by the sun sign (which is how many weekly etc columns can give a bit of a forecast based on that data) and may even better be predicted by the interactions with the over-all natal and progressed chart (which is one very good reasons to consult an astrologer).  But at the end of the day (or in this case the very very beginning) sometimes there are energies that I have to talk about and focus on that are doubly the difficult because they are super challenging to me personally. 

As the moon moves past its conjunction with Lilith and Eris, She has moved trine to Pluto.  Now a trine is usually considered a easy or "Soft" aspect, but truly Pluto's gifts are usually those buried in deep dark places.  The theme of this era for Pluto, for Pluto moves so very slowly, is Capricorns house of institution and Law Banking and Commerce and the idea of the Patriarch and the establishment.  Pluto speaks to Power corruption, airing it, solving it confronting it.  That is the effect, but the secret behind Pluto is that it is about Power, and owning your own, embracing the responsibility and letting go of the need to control others (and after all all those things are the same).  When the moon goes trine to Pluto (as it is now) our intuition, our sensitivities are pointed squarely to notice our deficits in this matter.  We can no longer hide effectively from the dirty deals we've made, not just against others (or more likely with others in an ugly way) but against ourselves (and every power another holds over you is an ugly deal you make with yourself not to embrace, love and open yourself to freedom, and step beyond the fear that keeps you trapped)  The moon is doing this as it moves into Taurus, all the more disconcerting because these insecure feelings these questions these dark things, are apparent from probably the place where the moon feels at its strongest, the moons favorite place to be, where she is both sensitive and stable, so you know that images in the mirror are EXACTLY as they appear.

So what's the upswing? If you breath and stay reasonably present, the moon will soon come into conjunction with Jupiter, which will bring a lift and open us to more growth.  Also this is the best work we can do.

Wanna know a secret?  While this is going on, Pluto is sextil to Neptune (on the Cusp of Aquarius and Pisces) which is Sextil to the moon.  Now for those who do not know much about the aspects, the sextil indicates a fertile growth opportunity, a possible aid but only if taken advantage of. 

Neptune opens to spirituality, dissipates energy, creates mystery, dreams, puts a sort of gauzy blur and melts things together.  On the cusp of Pisces and Aquarius the focus is a kind of nostalgia- but future focused, and a kind of reform, but in a generalized idealistic way.  It is a kind of generalized belief  (more than belief emotional connection to the idea/reality) that the possibility of that ideal lies somewhere just beyond the parting of the fog, that at the edge of the dark of the night the sun looms to rise- and ya know what, while Neptune bodes no time for fact (or in fact time or lines or borders of any such kind) and Neptune is not always right, it does not need to be, for Neptune is always Truth.

I have been quoted before that just because its truth does not mean its a good idea, and this is true.  Sometimes Truth is the best solution to fact, Sometimes truth is the ship we ride through the storms of reality...  just make sure to pick out your ship very well.  Pick a ship that lifts your spirits, with a sail that catches the wind, a ship you can put faith in and love yourself for it.  This is the ship we can ride right now, holding on to the faith that we are growing past the place we are, and can leave the places we've been behind.  That we may be washed clean by the oceans of Neptune and find ourselves free clear and in the light!

So back to my original point, that's what i just did.  Oh ya and give the following a thought or two, and hold on:
I have faith that I can do my best, I have faith that my truths are worth finding my way through my errors.  I have faith that my truth will win out in my heart and in my life, and that even now I emerge whole from the darkness.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Take it Slow, Answers will Come

It is a good time to be humble, it is a good time to be earnest.  It is a good time to breath and be patient, to admit that we are vulnerable but to breath and not let our fear of our vulnerabilities overtake us, neither in defensiveness, nor in despair.  It is a good time to count your blessings and to know that the Universe is love.  The moon comes conjunct to both Lilith and Eris, pushing our sensitivities deep into our shadow in places where our power hides because we fear it. and the places that the universe reminds us to be humble and let go.  Seemingly paradoxically we are asked to embrace our power, face our fear and just let go...
And yet it makes a certain amount of intuitive sense.

At the same time, all this is Opposing Saturn conjunct to Juno in Libra, Speaking to calcification and blocks to negotiation and in transience in such matters, further making situations feel less secure.  It is a time to look inside for those answers, and to let ,go of control, a time for an amount of a beak, withdraw and take it slow.

This is underlined by Mars in Cancer conjunct to Varuna squaring those three bodies we discussed earlier, which speaks to a deep and powerfully frustrating feeling... In short we are facing insecurity and unknowableness while claiming our power and knowing our humility learning how to negotiate and demand what we need while leaving room for others...  Ya its overwhelming from that point of view, so lets look at it another way:

I breath and take my time.  I open to my needs and those of others, and I open to the faith that I will find a good path and a good way.  I allow that it will come in time, and I open to faith that answers will happen and new creative possibilities will open to me, and we all can thrive.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pantsing the Heirophant: Ixion, Jupiter, Neptune, Oh My!

Some things that are hard to define are very worthwhile.  Some things that effect us, or have the opportunity to affect us most profoundly are elusive and hard to put our finger on.  Neptune in its own house Quentil to Jupiter in Taurus may in and of itself be just that sort of thing.

Neptune ruling over ideas such as spirituality, release, dreams and illusions, powerfully strong in its own Sign of Pisces, creating a strange almost delirious atmosphere, but if angled right an atmosphere of an ultimate spiritual truth has entered into an aspect best defined as containing a sort of potential most clearly understood as a sort of magickal opportunity, or possibly as fertile for a grand stroke of genius, with none other than Jupiter, that keeper of expansion, that holder optimism, who is expanding in a slow steady earthy dependable way in Taurus.

What does this mean?
Simply put, it means that the combination of expansive tendencies that are slow measured steady and dependable are providing a space to dream in grand mystical ways, combining with the mystic in unexpected ways that are both practical and mysterious.  What does that mean specifically?  

Well there's the rub, here we are really talking about what we make of it.  But if you want a touch more information we can look to yet another piece of this scenario- albeit on fascinating, brand spanking new edge of Astrology, this time dealing with a minor planet, very recently discovered named Ixion, who's namesake was the breaker of social taboos (killed his own kin and tried to seduce the wife of his host) and the father of the wild boundless and boundary less race, the Centaurs.

While I fully concur that it may be too soon to say with certainty the astrological meaning and reading of Ixion (as has been asserted by by many astrologers) I can not resist putting forward my own running theory on the general meaning of Ixion.  The key for me is to look at that mythological story of Ixion, but then look at the last time this body transited into a new sign.  In this case it transitioned from Scorpio, serious and dark, to Sagittarius light hearted, and it made its way through the Scorpio Sagittarius Cusp between 1992 and 1997.

This era marks the beginning of a new sensibility in comedy and the breaking of social mores, at least in terms of the mainstream and the over-all public opinion.  It was during this time that the origins of Shows such as South Park, and Family Guy first begin to take hold.  While there have always been important pop-cultural movements to break mores, one can see a distinct character difference between the Scorpio era and the new Sagitarian one, in which Scorpio is Typified by a darker, more serious, or more specifically politically driven push to break mores- especially in comedy (that great social more breaker) typified by an era of comedians such as George Carlin, and the Simpsons The new era brought us a breaking of mores for the simple joy of it under such pop culture manifestations as Family Guy, and South Park, both of which begin their formulations in one form or another in the very onset of this transition.  Under Sagittarius there is a kind of joy to the breaching of more, for the sake of the breach of more.

So how does this matter?  Well Ixion is also Quentil Neptune, implying another strange and dramatic magickal potential, between the power of breaking the rules and spiritual understanding... 
Yes my friends, Whether the emperor has clothes it is most definitely time to Pants the Hierophant, Go sacred Cow tipping (but not real cows cause it hurts them) It is time to Tee-pee the temples of our assumptions to sanctify them with holey mirth all the while keeping strong step by step.  It is time to nod to Oscar Wilde and take the frivolous seriously and the serious frivolously all the while leaving our heart open to the power that we free to dream when we have devoured old assumptions and visions, which are what the old rules are.  Rules unconsidered deprive us from our own vital energies.  The time comes to renew the Rules, so we grind them to the dust to reforge them.  From Neptune comes all mystery, and thus great possibility, and between these three strange forces opportunity abounds!

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Potent Moment of Reflection Pluto in the Middle, Mercury Leads Us Inward, Puto Cardinal T-Cross, Pluto Gande Earth Trine

In the words of the immortal Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Its about Power."  Its about understanding the nature of power, personal power, personal responsibility.  It's about, in astrological terms, Pluto.  Pluto in retrograde sits really at the middle of everything going on right now.  In this case retrograde's inward focus may be for the best.  Its about consideration of where our personal power lies, how we give it up.  The fear of or distaste for responsibility that causes us to do so. 
But its about power, and wealth and the origins of our inherited power, ownership and the idea of ownership.  How did the land become owned?  Was it always?  So if it wasn't how did the ground come to be owned?
This is the first part of the question.  Pluto in retrograde caught in the center of a T-square between Venus in Libra -in her power urging us to act out of negotiation and with a balance for our needs and another's, to use softness, to find answers by negotiation, the heart of what a relationship means, between equals.  And she is putting pressure on Uranus in Aries pushing hard for immediate change, and the 2 are butting up "squarely" against Pluto in Capricorn who continues to flush out the dirty laundry of the power relationships of our institutions and economic views and how we let them use us to our presumed gain.

It is good to feel discomfort in this vibration, because it is calling us to rethink these things, and re imagine and rebuild.

The 2nd part comes in a grand earth tine Pluto Trine to Jupiter in Taurus, also retrograde.  Thinking about slow steady expansion of possibilities slow new progress, and as they are both turned inward in retrograde its about an internal examination of progress, of power, of all these things.  The only thing not turned inward?
Why reflective mercury in its most self reflective most studious most attention to detail considered of all houses Virgo...

And here it is.  Its about power.  Considering the history of our power.  Considering the legacy of our fears and our hiding from power.  But it is through consideration, through mercury that we find our way forward.  This is not a time to speak, but to listen.  This is a time to redesign with humility and negotiation what has been built in fear and shame.

I examine my fears and shame, and reassess my relationship to my own power.  The history of my inherited power, or inherited shame. I embrace my responsibility, face my fear and with great care humbly find the little road that leads to a better world.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank Freja its Friday, Thank Venus its Vendredi! Mmm Honey... Venus conunct Sun in Virgo

What a great time to do some navel- gazing on what makes us go purrrrrrrrrr!  This golden time of the summer, like the golden time of the day, this golden day of the week.  This is a time of Freja, godess of magick, and of pleasure, Venus of beauty.  This is the warm pleasant dusk of the week, the harvest of Venus, a time to stretch and enjoy the warm glow of labor well spent!  That color of gold, is the color of the harvest, the color of the dusk (and Dawn).  The color of honey, and therefore the color of the Egyptian Isis, the color of the Orisha (another river spirit) Oshun.

And with our Sun conjunct in  Virgo it is a time not only to enjoy, but to enjoy in a rather unusual way.  It is a day for detail!  This is not a day for slothful or wreckless overindulgense, no!  But a day of careful consideration, a day of precise, discriminating EXTRA-indulgence.  This is not a day for as much as you can get. but a day for as good as you can get.  This is a day of attractive magics, of setting your heart and your mind to the note of fine attractive perfumes that attract a golden harvest of sweet honey.  A day to brew that honey to a magickal meade that casts a bewtching spell worthy of snaring Odin himself!

How can you bring good things just by illuminating the beauty that is you?
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Bigger We, A Greater Win: Moon Conjunct Vesta Aquarius et al

Vesta and the Moon conjunct in Aquarius points to a deep sympathy and desire to reach for a new paradigm of service.  This is exactly the sort of thing that is too often misrepresented as self sacrifice.  This is exactly what it should never be.  Vesta in many ways does in fact represent a certain call to service, and in certain terms she represents a sublimation of immediate or obvious gain in favor of a spiritual one. 

At the Same time the moon surely (among other things) speaks to how we care, in all senses.  In Aquarius these energies soar high in a very idealistic way.  It causes us to pine for a kind of service that equalizes and revolutionizes the world.  In so many ways this particular vibration, maybe more than any, speaks very strongly to precisely why true service is in fact never self sacrifice (point in fact when it becomes that it generally does fairly nasty things to all involved).

In true service there lies a glowing heart of emotional intelligence, a part of us that can see (whether consciously or not) the interconnected nature of life itself and in fact of all creation.  It is the understanding that the pursuit of true service is an act of communion, not with a distant hypothetical, liturgical or dogmatic idea of what the divine is, but the divine in me  with the divine in others, in this case the divine in all. 

Joy and suffering are the voice of the divine echoing in us, and when we change things, when we do true service, it is a prayer in the world, it is a way communing with the divinehen we bring joy when we alleviate suffering from a place of love and Joy we transcend the illusion of division and embrace a bigger us, a greater self, and we heal and become so much more!

When service is self sacrifice, then the prayer is broken.  We approach from a vantage of one above another.  How can our divinity commune?  How can this true communion take place?  My divine spirit is in fact on the same level as any divine spirit in anyone or anything!  If I am self-sacrificing I am placing myself above, and it is a conversation between egos, and spirit is lost.

Also there is an opportunity, as these bodies Sextil Uranus in Aries, Pointing to the fact that should we reach for it there is a grand desire to move on just such real human work...

  The best place to begin is by speaking what we want, as often as possible.  Do not worry if the desire is vague, pray it out loud in the ears of spirit, the spirit in the wind, the spirit in other people.  Trust that this desire will be answered, and part of the desire is to understand how to do it.  Part of the desire is to come up with a plan. 

Do not worry pray it out loud, in words with breath online.  Then pray it with others, then pray it with your feet, with your hands, with your commitment.  Pray it every day.  Pray it to the Earth. To the Sky to the Fire to the Sea!  Pray it with love and Joy and Hope!  It will be answered, with the greatest communion, the partaking of spiritual food, which is the embracing of that sacred connection of all creation.

We Can Do it.  I Believe in Us.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In Defense of a Warrior: Mars pushing us Forward

Mars in Cancer Square to Juno Conjunct Saturn in Libra Square Moon  in Capricorn, Trine Sun conjunct Venus in Virgo, Sextil Mars.

Mars gets a bad rap.  Yes yes yes he is related to the Greek Ares god of war, but like so many other Roman gods he is rarely seen as the full nuanced character that he is.  You see there is a rather nagging persistent falsity going around that Roman gods are just direct copies of Greek gods with no real differences.  No one suffers more from this myth than Mars.

It is important to understand that Mars has a history that has a Roman tradition essentially different, although influenced by the Greek War god Ares.  Originally Mars is a Roman god of Fertility.  Born a Virgin Birth when Juno the queen of the gods who is set over the idea of Commerce, Marriage, contracts and bureaucracy (think of her in terms of the grand power of negotiations, haggling and social contracts).  Juno eats a magical flower and becomes impregnated, giving birth to Mars.  

Now Juno herself suffers from a rather unfortunate image.  Seen primarily as a rather jealous creature.  One might, however keep in mind that perhaps the rational reaction of an intelligent powerful woman to being included in a relationship with Jupiter who was not big on negotiations with his powerful wife (not to mention his questionable lack of relationship to consent in the stories).

What is all this really getting at?  Mars represents assertiveness, it is born of a healthy relationship to negotiation and awareness of our own needs.  Mars becomes a god of war when we deny him his due, when we get in the way of what are needs, we react.  Mars in Cancer is a strange sensitive creature, Squaring his mother Juno in Libra we are called to pay special attention to and re-evaluate the ways in which we negotiate what we want and how we pay attention to the needs of others.  

When we do not admit what our desire is we tend to brood, and eventually Mars does not take denial well, and explodes!  This should not be such a fearful or surprising thing.  Mars is after all our motivation.  He is like the giant engine in our belly.  When not allowed to go after what it naturally seeks, Mars slowly builds out a heat, and the result is messy to say the least.  

Here's a hint, if we pay attention to what gives us pleasure and how we attract (Venus) who is feeling picky but practical, we can use that sense to make sure we are allowing our "mars to chase what we are after.  Our Sun is along for the ride, and in Virgo the key here is calm quiet directed specific speech.  Clarity and exactness of communication is what its all about after all.

Our emotions (The moon) is longing for the practical no-nonsense and reliable (its in Capricorn), making such negotiations a bit more challenging... but its a good time to come to personal terms with what you need.  IE make a personal demands list.  Its time to run a personal accounting of what you want and how you need to negotiate for it, and go after it.  If anything it is a good time to make plans and to work it out on paper for a long term strategy.

This allows us to indulge our sense of identity and pleasure/attraction (Sun conjunct Venus) which is in a discriminating though patient mood with an eye to the practical.  And as luck would have it that point of view sits wonderfully to empower our mars to be patient and that since of discriminating precision may allow mars to plot a better course in what may feel kind of slow going.  Mars in Cancer is tricky because the urge to family is not a road with a straight direct path, but if we pay close attention to our emotions, intuition sense of identity and plot an exact course, we can not only thread this needle, but come out the other side feeling far more empowered.

The key is to understand that the heart of where our aggression, our temper, our anger and all those uncomfortable subjects come from, is a natural good mechanism.  It is what causes the vine to reach to the sun, and the bee to seek the flower.  Mars is at its nature a matter of fertility, it is the chaser in the chase, and he is the part of the dance that leads, not more important and not insensitive by nature (and in fact in need of great sensitivity to do his job well).

I want, because I am alive.  I honor my desire and use it consciously to move forward to complex goals, that  create what I want in a respectful loving way.  I can only respect others when I embrace that I have desires and ambitions and can speak them openly and honestly and negotiate them in a forthright way.

More Readings to add perspective:

ointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jack Jumps out of a Box, The joys of Spontenaity Enabled by Ordered Plans

Its not glamorous, but its grand!  The time is right to make an assessment of schedule and cash flow... make budgets and keep them.  You know that boring stuff that when you do it everyday its easy and low stress, but when you never do it tends to fill your life with stress (Grand Trine Pluto-Capricorn, Jupiter Taurus, Sun Mercury)  The really cool thing?  Its a great time to do it cooly and dispassionately and with a great steady build to slow reliable increase!  
And here's the thing, If you get your schedules and finances in a plan of order?  Why then you can use that marvelous structure to allow for some really fruitful time for emotional intellectual serendipity and openness to spontaneity that will open new doors, transform your life and just be frickin fun!  (Grand trine Moon Capricorn/Sag Cusp, Eris Aries, Mercury in Leo)   Hold tight and stay loose this may initiate a wild and exciting ride!  

I open to excitement and spontaneity, by setting up plans to free me to follow my whim!  I transform my life with inspiration and structure.  I channel creativity into real tangible life results!

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mystery Alchemy Putrification and Ascension: The making of Good Mulch! Pluto, Neptune and the Moon make an interresting Day

Neptune-Chiron  conjunct Pisces/Aquarius cusp Trine Moon Scorpio/Libra Cusp, sextil Pluto Capricorn sextil Neptune-Chiron.

This is a time for daydreaming about scary things.  This is a time about testing boundaries, courting the mystery of our own power and daring to look it in the eyes and seize it.  Mystic introspection with an intense focus, owning the desires of our hearts and embracing our spirit fully. 

In alchemy it was said that the greatest goal was to transmute lead- the lowest state of metal to gold, the highest.  What is often over-looked is that in addition to (and more importantly than) the physical process was a central spiritual one.  The material goal of the alchemist was a small allusion to the spiritual goal, that being the great goal of all mystics: to some it is called Enlightenment.

In this process every metal was related to a planet (in those terms the Sun and Moon are included as a planet).  Each Planet then governed a "sphere" and each sphere was set above or below another.  The highest sphere was associated with the Sun and the metal gold, the second Silver and the Moon etc etc.  The lowest among these of course was base lead resonating with Saturn and symbolizing a state of imprisonment to temporal and material concerns.  The goal therefore of the mystic practice of Alchemy was to free themselves from the prison of materiality, to free themselves from the limitations of terrestrial power and time. 

Here's where it gets interesting.  Rather than seeing this hierarchy of metals vibrations and planets as polar, with a distinct middle and end, there was seen to be another place that connected the very top (Gold) to the very bottom (Lead)  which was another material, vibration and sphere of its own.  This material known as the "Philosophers stone" was the doorway between the very high and the very low, and was in many ways a universal skeleton key.

One of the processes (and often the easiest process) to raise lead to gold (or in fact anything to gold) was to follow the natural terrestrial tendency to degrade and eventually "shoot the loop" back to gold.  In this case I encourage the reader to understand that what we speak of is a very similar concept to the mulching of mystical and material matter.  From feces and rot comes great fertility.  Old thoughts and ways of being, things we no longer need, things of dark nature that give us fear, may be thrown in pile, and become fit to grow golden fruit! This Procedure was referred to as "putrefaction".

The story of putrefaction is in so many ways the central mystery of Alchemy, of Earth-centered spirituality and indeed is the story of death and resurrection, of the Christ, Dionysius, Osirus etc etc.  Putrefaction and ascension are truly the oldest story ever told, and were so long before any story was told.  It is the mystery that the blood goes into the ground red, transforms and rises green.  It is the mystery that in the dark of winter the seeds of Spring and summer are planted.

The process of putrefaction  is one of Water, and no three elements of  astrology speak to this subject as clearly and deeply as Pluto, power and transformation and dark places we fear where we hide our power, the Moon, the mystery of sensitivities madness and emotion, and Neptune great solvent of lines and depth of mystery of spirit and ender of worlds and the year.  Here, therefore, with a center of Pluto in Capricorn, with Neptune on the cusp of its own house of Pisces, and the Moon in Pluto's intense house of Scorpio we find a great opportunity to delve the mulch of our lives and hearts, the mulch of history and our rotting institutions and come back with the sacred mushrooms of deep vision, the heart of ascension and mystery itself! 

"I dance in shadows and rise with the sun!  Low the dead are not gone! Low the past is not over!  Great riches lie in the contemplation of Darkness past!  I enter in to face fear embrace wholeness and rise green with the sun!"

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Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer