Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tensions, Attentions, and Intentions: Revolutions from the Outside in, and the Insides Out

As we strive to be in control, to own the center of our power, to manipulate our situation, Our heart longs for a faith and security centered in dependability and work. These may feel like they are at odds with one another, but in truth they are not. It is the strong predictable steady work that can see us through the unpredictable times. Remember “job” is only one thing that “work" can mean. Our intuition pulls us to expand our ideas of where our physical riches and empowerment may come from. This is a slow steady process and a transformation that takes time. This is spurred on by a motivation that is both aware of what we deserve and discriminating in what we want. This is in turn spurned on by the realization of how much power and responsibility we have given to unreliable and corrupt institutions. This is a time to redefine our personal physical sustenance to reach for new possibilities out side of the institutionalized powers that be. It is a time to find ways to make new solutions, new whole ways of life, new occupations and new societies. Of course this encourages us to rethink, rework and reinvent our own sense of expansion, to find responsible steady growth in new directions and underlines the issues with the previously stated intuitions.

If we listen we can find inspiration to our “newness” in the redefining revolutionary spirit of our age, which is of course spurring on and spurned on by a search to find limits and define negotiations in our one-on one interactions and especially our personal human and even romantic relationships... an opening to the idea of negotiations and the need to always play diplomat in real human affairs. And if we so choose this impetus may be used to empower the way we go after what we want, and what we expect from the world.

Break it Down:

You a got a right to a chance to flourish. You got a right to an equal chance. You have a right to a place to negotiate what you need on a fair basis in your life in ALL spheres of your life, and a need to respect that in others. As the dirty laundry of our times is aired to the sunlight, and we push to find equality fairness and just a simple place to thrive, we are empowered to change the rules, to reinvent what any of this means, and are empowered to and have a duty to demand these things.

Blam! I went there.

I deserve the right to reach for the sun, to demand fairness and to grow and enjoy. As I reach I expand and the revolution in my heart is the revolution in the world, the liberation of my life is the liberation of all the Earth.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fear Not!

Your Rebel Astrologer has taken a couple days off, but fear not!  We will be back tomorrow morning with a grand-new, brand-new blog!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Through the Woods: The landscape is Confusing, but the Path is Clear

 So much to look at, but ya know, lets just dive right in!
Grand Trine, Mars (Leo/Virgo cusp) Pluto (Capricorn) Jupiter (Taurus)
Our confident attentive careful footing in the way we go after and the discretion we are compelled to use in our decisions encourages and is encouraged by a slow steady rate of expansion and a steady move into new ventures which is encouraged by and encourages an ongoing reclaiming of power and responsibility from despotic and corrupt tendencies in finances and governance back to the individual, which encourages and is encouraged by the careful confident approach to going after what we want.

T-Square Venus/Mercury Conjunction (Sagittarius-Scorpio Cusp) Square Mars (Leo-Virgo Cusp) Opposing Moon conjunct Neptune (Aquarius-Pisces Cusp) Square Venus-Mercury

Our desire, sense of attraction is in utter agreement with our intellectual sensibilities and the way we communicate and they, having found a center in personal empowerment long to look forward to a new philosophical bearing, a new set of possibilities, to sail the great seas of possibility and raise the banners of new ideas that open possibilities, this is tempered and instructed-negotiated if you will on one side by a sense of caution in the way we pursue and a sense of making sure we are getting our due, on the other by our emotional sensitivities and a universal sense of spirituality and mysticism that may be fixated on an ideal that is beyond any realistic immediate reach.  

Now for the cool opportunities that may be easily missed:

Moon Aquarius Quentil Jupiter Taurus:
There are wondrous creative, magickal, unexpected, opportunities that come from the marriage of a slow deliberate pace of engagement with the world, and a philosophical "big-picture" emotional detachment and a sense of openness.
Try using your day to day process as a meditative practice, doing the mundane mindfully.  Focus on being very present, and yet meditative and enjoy the sense of philosophical space.

Pluto Capricorn Quentil Saturn Libra:

There is an opportunity to create a give and take, to redesign, renegotiate the terms of our lives in terms of boundaries, responsibility and owning our own power and lives.  There is an opportunity to look deeply into interpersonal negotiations, do the hard work and use them to reclaim power from faceless institutions and their hold over us (and in such reclaim our own responsibilities over such things)

Mars Leo-Virgo Cusp biQuentil Uranus retrograde Aries:

There is the opportunity to find genius in the defense of our ideals through careful discerning choices in how we persue (with confidence) what we want and the inward focus desire to define what the egalitarian caring world change we want to find.

Mars Leo-Virgo Sextil Saturn Libra

That same discerning confidence may be expanded and help expand that understanding of the need for boundaries and negotiation in interpersonal relationships... of Course further expanding the possibilities of reclaiming our power and of course, responsibilities...


But how about we just say:
Know that we deserve a fair world where everyone has a chance and is respected.
We can have that world, but part of that is owning our own responsibility for it.
Part of that responsibility is demanding it.
and part of demanding it is to recognize that each step closer is a better win than staying in place because of the lack of an immediate optimum solution.
Embrace your ideals, but get there one step at a time.

The great adventure of the promise of renewal is found on a journey that starts one step at a time.
I open myself to owning the responsibility of the good world that lays ahead in my path.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:

Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Magickal opportunities: Venus/Mercury Scorpio-Sagitarius Quentil Moon in Aquarius

I want to step away from the obvious strain.  I want to step away from the discord, the chaos, the stress.  I want for a moment to put aside uncertainty and strain.
Its there, but there is more there too.

There is also a great opportunity to find space, to get a clear head.  The ability to step away from fear and keep a cool.  Also, there is a space for excitement about new ventures, for adventure. To long for it, to plan it, to find it and to listen for the best possible opportunities.
And these 2 things have the possibility of combining in amazing ways, to bring great opportunities to our future...  Just keep clear, follow your excitement and enjoy the feeling of newness, of new adventures from a place of strength, plan on serendipity... Embrace the unexpected chaotic providence of Random possibility.  And enjoy!

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:

Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Power of Choice: Moon Conjunct Palas Athena, sextil Uranus, Trine Mercury/Venus Sextil Moon

Sometimes the best change you can make in the world, is on the inside.
Sometimes it is enough to believe that you have all you need to see your way to a better world.
It is not a faith in an easy perfect world,
It is not a faith in knowing or having control over all possibilities.
It may not even involve having any control,
except for control over your own attitude,
Faith in your ability to adapt, to learn, to make good choices.
In many ways this is all we ever really have.
And really?
It is more than enough.  You know what feels right, what you want the world to look like.
and you may find it.
One choice closer each time.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.