Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We do Best for Everyone, when we begin with Ourselves

Once again, (as so often has happened over the last few years) we find ourselves with Pluto in the middle.  Like  an astral body with a Napoleon complex, his reclassification pointing out that he is only a dwarf planet after all, Pluto has been demanding attention the way only Pluto can.  

Pluto is about power.
Pluto is about self esteem.
Pluto is about belief in our own deserving.

By the simple fact that we exist we deserve love, we deserve a space in this universe, in this world.  We deserve a right to decide what happens to our bodies, to our spirits to our hearts and minds.

When we believe that we do not deserve these things honestly and outright, we usually try to get them in subversive deals, tricky cons, ways that deprive others, or try to trick others out of their sovereignty, out of their space.  We may overstep, believing we are defending our ability to have whats ours.  This is how the darkest moments always begin, with a sense of desperation, with a sense of payback with a sense of being a victim.

It is in the moments when we feel most challenged that we must be the most fearless, the most open to equality.  We must be bold in our deserving, and fearless in our defense of even our enemy.  

In this square, this ongoing issue, lies Uranus.

Uranus who beacons in the new world at every moment.
Uranus who opens the air,
Uranus the great egalitarian god of the ancient sky,
Father before fathers, and paradoxically the bringer of all future.
All things are equal under the sky god, and nothing, nothing nothing is personal.

These two, still in a long term struggle and lets face it, even when not aspecting each other power and revolution, ideals and politics are forever in the important process of changing each other, redefining each other and restructuring our reality in a great grand dance.

But it is a dance that while it is easily viewed on the grand scale begins intimately and incredibly personal, and is only changeable in daily practice.

To put our personal hades, our personal Pluto to use, we must pay close attention to what we bury, what we hide from our sights.  We must listen and evaluate and challenge our victim roles.  We must demand absolute direct honesty in the deals we make with others, a good rule of thumb?  Make every agreement verbal.  If it sounds gross when you speak it?  If it sounds like a ridiculous thing to ask?
Then that's probably a good thing to know.

We must also be aware of our Personal Uranus.  We must keep our horizons open.  We will refuse expectations.  We set our aspirations hi, we open up to new ideas, threatening ideas, liberating ideas.

A Meditation/Affirmation for Times Such as These:

I stand, in the light of day worthy of love, of life.  I have a right to drink the rain, to work the ground, to eat the fruit of the vine and to sleep on my mothers breast. To rise in the morning with a vision of a better world, each day, and to be surrounded by beauty all the days of my life.  Make me the hand of mercy, of peace of Justice.  Give me the vision to see a greater hope, the resolve to carry it forward, the strength for it to prosper in the world.  And may the next generation rise up and shock me for they may see a greater justice, a greater peace, a greater mercy, because it will mean that I have done my job.  And may the universe grant me the strength to bend rise up and lend my hand to the new till the end of my days.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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