So much of that story is centered very strongly on the ongoing Pluto (Power plays) square to Uranus (original thought, reformation, idealism).
This is a big story about our time that even when the square ends (and it has been with us for a while) the Status of Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries will continue these themes, as they are central as part of the theme of our times.
This is an important point about our outer planets, just as Pluto in Sagittarius marked the era of the Internet and commerce bubbles of the 90's-00's (addressing power in unfettered optimism), and Pluto in Scorpio marked the era of HIV (addressing power in the house of sex, Politics and scheming), and "greed is good" of the 1980's, Our era is marked by Pluto in Capricorn (addressing the presence of power in institutions the law Commerce and Banking).
Uranus in Aries shows a sense of the future, of idealism and egalitarianism that is now impatient, is now demanding, is as martial as Aries ruling mars, and as creative as the birth of spring and the new cycle that Aries represents...
This is an era of Titans, not titanic individuals, but titans beyond any individual, it is a time when the ground moves and the primal forces of what it means to be human show themselves!
So keeping in mind, this grand back ground, let me draw your attention to yet another titan on the scene.
Mysterious, metaphysical blurry dissolving and transmuting Neptune currently in retrograde, flirting back and forth over the cusp of its native Pisces and Aquarius. Interestingly enough, as the ages are in the process of progressing across this cusp as well, we find this cusp of the unusual combination of mystical idealism and practical humanitarian idealism, super-energized, and thus Neptune (and Chiron who's hanging along with Neptune) is also super charged!
This is a time for grail seeking! This is a time to find Camelot! to search for that true ideal, that holy immaculate kingdom that somewhere in our heart we know we are meant to be! With Chiron riding this wave, It is a time to transmute the suffering of the past into a vision and eventually a plan to build a new world that brings empowerment that no-one need suffer the way it has. It is an understanding of the Metaphysical nature of Equality, the spiritual nature of justice. It is the ideal of room for the individual, and that the individual receives support from the common, and that gift must be reciprocal!
This is a time to set a vision, this is a time to make sure the process is strong, equal, responsible and most of all reciprocal, because that motion of give and give back is river that keeps the land green!
And right now? Why Neptune is Trined (which means flows well and easily with) Venus in Scorpio- Our sense of pleasure and beauty is rooted in our sense of personal power. Mercury in Libra - Our dialogue and words and thoughts are focused on how to negotiate fairness, Saturn in Libra- Our sense of responsibility is focused on the need to demand a fair balance, Juno in Libra- Our sense of negotiating what we need from our relationships and what we are willing to give (including of course commercial relationships, Juno was a goddess of Marriage commerce and Bureaucracy) focused deeply on finding a fair reciprocal balance.
When all these things Trine Neptune it is a time when an open fair and reciprocal ideal is raised to the level of spiritual mystery. This is a time to contemplate- together. To find community and vision and make a new world.
I open to those around me. I give to my community and get what i need. With openness and fairness we can together create a better world, in the big sense from a better world in the small sense. It begins with intent, it begins with a word, it begins with an openness to listen, a resolve to stand up for ourselves and our brothers and sisters. It is the resolve that there are no enemies, and an understanding we will not be pushed around.
I open to the truth that is Com-unity. Com- To be with, unity.
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