Thursday, September 15, 2011

Riding the Ship of Faith: Moon Trine Pluto, Neptune Sextiling between

The funny thing about writing this column is that generally, a tricky energy is functioning in my life or mood in the same way they are in the greater world around me on which I am reporting (funny that).  Now, all energies are not equal to all people, and for sure they hit each individual, well individually.  This may be affected by the sun sign (which is how many weekly etc columns can give a bit of a forecast based on that data) and may even better be predicted by the interactions with the over-all natal and progressed chart (which is one very good reasons to consult an astrologer).  But at the end of the day (or in this case the very very beginning) sometimes there are energies that I have to talk about and focus on that are doubly the difficult because they are super challenging to me personally. 

As the moon moves past its conjunction with Lilith and Eris, She has moved trine to Pluto.  Now a trine is usually considered a easy or "Soft" aspect, but truly Pluto's gifts are usually those buried in deep dark places.  The theme of this era for Pluto, for Pluto moves so very slowly, is Capricorns house of institution and Law Banking and Commerce and the idea of the Patriarch and the establishment.  Pluto speaks to Power corruption, airing it, solving it confronting it.  That is the effect, but the secret behind Pluto is that it is about Power, and owning your own, embracing the responsibility and letting go of the need to control others (and after all all those things are the same).  When the moon goes trine to Pluto (as it is now) our intuition, our sensitivities are pointed squarely to notice our deficits in this matter.  We can no longer hide effectively from the dirty deals we've made, not just against others (or more likely with others in an ugly way) but against ourselves (and every power another holds over you is an ugly deal you make with yourself not to embrace, love and open yourself to freedom, and step beyond the fear that keeps you trapped)  The moon is doing this as it moves into Taurus, all the more disconcerting because these insecure feelings these questions these dark things, are apparent from probably the place where the moon feels at its strongest, the moons favorite place to be, where she is both sensitive and stable, so you know that images in the mirror are EXACTLY as they appear.

So what's the upswing? If you breath and stay reasonably present, the moon will soon come into conjunction with Jupiter, which will bring a lift and open us to more growth.  Also this is the best work we can do.

Wanna know a secret?  While this is going on, Pluto is sextil to Neptune (on the Cusp of Aquarius and Pisces) which is Sextil to the moon.  Now for those who do not know much about the aspects, the sextil indicates a fertile growth opportunity, a possible aid but only if taken advantage of. 

Neptune opens to spirituality, dissipates energy, creates mystery, dreams, puts a sort of gauzy blur and melts things together.  On the cusp of Pisces and Aquarius the focus is a kind of nostalgia- but future focused, and a kind of reform, but in a generalized idealistic way.  It is a kind of generalized belief  (more than belief emotional connection to the idea/reality) that the possibility of that ideal lies somewhere just beyond the parting of the fog, that at the edge of the dark of the night the sun looms to rise- and ya know what, while Neptune bodes no time for fact (or in fact time or lines or borders of any such kind) and Neptune is not always right, it does not need to be, for Neptune is always Truth.

I have been quoted before that just because its truth does not mean its a good idea, and this is true.  Sometimes Truth is the best solution to fact, Sometimes truth is the ship we ride through the storms of reality...  just make sure to pick out your ship very well.  Pick a ship that lifts your spirits, with a sail that catches the wind, a ship you can put faith in and love yourself for it.  This is the ship we can ride right now, holding on to the faith that we are growing past the place we are, and can leave the places we've been behind.  That we may be washed clean by the oceans of Neptune and find ourselves free clear and in the light!

So back to my original point, that's what i just did.  Oh ya and give the following a thought or two, and hold on:
I have faith that I can do my best, I have faith that my truths are worth finding my way through my errors.  I have faith that my truth will win out in my heart and in my life, and that even now I emerge whole from the darkness.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
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