Monday, October 31, 2011

Transformation Through Confidant Challenge: Mars Leo Quentil Sun Scorpio

There is some heavy stuff going down,  but then you knew that.

Our sensitivities are held kinda raw to the dirty dealings, dark secrets and inequities in our institutions,
but you knew that too.

If you listen close, you know you deserve to prosper,  If you pay attention you know that the Universe, the divine or what-ever word you want to stamp on it, made a world capable of caring for all of her children-and that means among others, well, you.

At this time of year, our attention flows easily to the heavy, the calculating, the transformational power within looking deep into our own fears and claiming the power we hide from, and within this combination,

This combo between humble grateful confidence and a focus to transform through awareness calculation and facing our fears and claiming our power from the center of darkness and raising it to the light.

This is the stuff of grand transforming power, this is the kernel of our rebirth.  The heart of our prosperity!

This attention allows us to redefine what we expect, formulate demands, create a world in which there is room.

But most importantly to have the strength to stand and face ourselves.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blood Letting: The Winter that Reveals the Spring, Stellium Scorpio T-Square Mars, Neptune-Chiron Conjunction

It is the time, traditionally of the blessing of the herds.  The sacrifice of the herds down to the breeding stock to make it threw the winter.  In old days, today would be the 3rd day of the traditional Lunar holiday of Samhain (pronounced /Sow-in/, /Sav-in/ or /Sa-Veen/, the day of the crossroads, the time of the ancestors.  This was the time in the old Celtic Lunar calendar held for intense difficult things.  This is the day that ultimate responsibility for what we love and what we choose is celebrated and held in our awareness.  This is an intense and powerful time of the year any year, and this year possibly more than ever.

In the winter resources would be more scarce, to insure the survival of the herds, and of therefore of the people, it was a time when sacrifice had to be made.  Not pretty.  Not easy.  Extremely intense.  but true.

Moon coming conjunct into Stellium with Venus and Mercury in Scorpio.  Our sensitives and intuitions, our communication style and our senses of beauty desire and attractiveness.  In Scorpio it turns to a sense of power, responsibility, and claiming what is ours.  It makes us want to protect our sensitivities, but also makes intuition powerful.  There is something very personal very dire very... in keeping with the time of year only more so.

This stellium occupies the center of a T-Square Squared on either side by Mars in Leo, pushing motivating, yelling "this is what I as a living being is due!"  on the other side a conjunction of Neptune and Chiron on the Aquarius Pisces Cusp both in retrograde, which means turned inward, in an examination of their character.  
Chiron: is how we take the pain in our history and translate it into active vision for the world we are making.  Neptune is how we approach spirit, how we move beyond the physical, how we move beyond definition.
And on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces its a spiritual sense of the creation of a gilded age, the idea of a sacred practical.  Turned in retrograde, its about discerning and re-evaluating our methods.

Of course in a T-square it means Chiron and Neptune are in opposition to Mars.  

The overall tendency here is an intense re-evaluation.  Its about claiming the responsibility, the hard realities, the dirty work of the equality, the hope we want.  Its about staring into the dark mirror, passing through the shadow and seizing the hopes for our children through the darkest moments.  Bravery is not fearlessness.  Lack of fear is lack of sense.  It is not a time when the sane, and those who care should be fearless.

But it is a time to do what must be done.
There will be a time for our children, and a better world.  And now, we set ourselves upon the winter that reveals the Spring.

Oh and PS: that Lunar Stellium, Also Trine to Uranus in Aries... that implies the roll forward of the future.  reform and revolution... then again what right now doesn't?

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:

Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Go By The Gutt: Pluto Capricorn Sextil Moon in Scorpio Trine Neptune cusp of Aquarius and Pisces

Ideals are a good thing.
Aspirations essential.
Believing in possibilities? Hope? Faith?

But with these we must keep sight of the critical tools of reason, and intuition.
Right now?  definitely the intuition.

You see, it can be easy when waxing poetic, when charging the hill for an ideal, when holding onto our hopes,
it can be easy to put aside misgiving.  
But right now, in particular, our intuitions are essential.
If something rubs us as suspicious, it bears paying attention to.

Does this mean to give up on any of those other things I just spoke of?
No, just pay extra attention to your gut!

"I trust in my intuition.  I set my heart and work for ideals.  I negotiate and share space with others, while demanding to have what I need."

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:

Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Moment to Water our Roses: Moon Conjunct Saturn in Libra Sextil Mars in Leo

It is always important to remember that there is always enough love in the world.
When we feel that it is missing it is simply a good time to take a breath and make sure we are taking the time to engage with those we love.

This is a good time to call old friends, and schedule play.
This is a good time to focus on the daily practice that is emotional care and building our relationships.  This need not be heavy, and in fact shouldn't be.  It is most effective as play, or just a moment to chat.

So much of the long term big stuff can feel overwhelming, uncertain and challenging, particularly so right now.
If we don't focus in on play,
If we don't remember to touch base and spend time watering the roses of our friendships,
life quickly becomes unbearable.
By the same note, it is amazingly surprising how constant watering and just a daily moment of joyful care and indulgence of our happiness and loved ones can help our gardens grow.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:

Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Challenge to Release: T-Square Pluto Capricorn , Uranus r, Pluto; T-Square Venus/Mercury Scorpio, Mars Leo, Neptune/Chiron Cusp of Aquarius and Pisces, Pluto semisquare Venus semisquare Moon

Sometimes when change is rampant, and things seem uncertain,
It seems best to hold our cards to our chest.
To look with suspicion on the world around us,
To guard tightly the little we have against the fear of loss.

Sometimes when things are uncertain, we cling to mechanisms of secret control,
we plot, we scheme, we make strategies to get what we need in secret and on the sly.

When we do this, we are declaring to the divine that we are not deserving of what we need in a direct straight forward way,
and then why are we shocked when the universe responds to our prayer- for every action, every word every thing we do in life is an act of magick and of prayer- by granting for us what we have wished.  That is of course denying us ease to get that which we need, because of our implied undeserving.

Sometimes we act out of entitlement.
That we should be able to have, to get without giving,
that we should receive without participation,
that we can own without responsibility.

This is the most dangerous prayer of all, for it says that I deserve to posses without change, without sharing without interaction.
It is a prayer in the expectation of things remaining unchanged.
This is a prayer against life.
Like bog-mummy, you may clutch what you believe is yours, your due,
For only the grave and the bottom of the sea get to keep things forever unchanged.

Do not pray for this.

When we breath, we do not only breath in.
Even in death we release our bodies so that children may be born, so that time may move forward, and so that we can find our own renewal.

We must let go of the old, while tending the new,
we must weep for our dead, whether it is symbolic in change, in worlds gone by,
or in a literal way,
we must dance the dance of release to get renewal.

We must release expectation, while believing we will get great blessings if we humbly engage.
If work hard, and release.  

And thus the wheel spins.  A great prayer wheel that is life, time and creation.  

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:

Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Moving Past Impatience ( Moon and Mars in Leo Squared Saturn in Libra, Moon Leo- Mercury-Venus in Scorpio Jupiter Taurus retrograde T-Square, Uranus Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn)

There is a sense of what we deserve, and of pride... There is a sense of intense sensitivity, powerful vulnerability and slow moving progress to definition.  And ya, they grind against each outher.   We long to chace, full stride after our own, what we want.  We are slowed by negotiations, by dealing with, well, the outside world.

But heres how it works.  You gotta believe that you are getting closer.  Whether you can see it or not does not matter, with every bit of energy you put into the process.  Sometimes the process is just about defining the way we are looking for things, and learning from it.  Sometimes the process is just deciding what it is we want.  And yes, sometimes the process is a long complicated negotiation with the outside world.

But we have to have the determination and faith, that when we apply ourselves honestly, in a dedicated manner and with great integrity we will are making progress just by doing that alone.

Sometimes it feels the world of humans is unco-operative with these things.
And sometimes changing that is also part of the process...
( Moon and Mars in Leo Squared Saturn in Libra, Moon Leo- Mercury-Venus in Scorpio Jupiter Taurus retrograde T-Square, Uranus Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn)

I walk with integrity.  I hold my heart open.  I listen.  I persevere.  I am the World I want to live in.  And the world responds...

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:

Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eating Your Vegetables: Great Opportunities for Future Pay-Offs

There is the ongoing issue of the clash between power and corruption in institutions (Pluto in Capricorn Squared to...)and aggressive  change, the march of equality and a new dawn (...Uranus in Aries...) at the moment a bit introspectively (...retrograde).

And as yesterday the moon- now in sensitive, moody and care-taking Cancer is involved in a T-Square with those bodies, causing us to be very aware of our vulnerabilities, both to the onslaught of change, and to the general corruption operating within that larger system.

In addition that awareness of corruption in institutions and commerce (again with the Pluto in Capricorn) is Trine and therefore flows easily into and has a relationship of mutual advantage to a Jupiter in Taurus Retrograde.  Translation?  As we expand our internal understanding of what responsible growth, what responsible material gain should look like, we are aided by an awareness of how creepy things are, and our awareness of he former is aided by the latter.  Good news, in a rather "take your medicine" sort of way to say the least.

Meanwhile Venus and Mercury, Conjunct in Scorpio Trine the Moon in Cancer.  Translation: The desire to own and embrace personal power on both a physical and mystical level, an intense feeling within our sense of desire and beauty is fused with a mind set to question the machinations within and without, this flows easily and co-encourages that protective sensitive emotional feeling of the moon and deepens a desire to protect our families those we find closest and our hearts in General.

Also Venus conjunct to Mercury is also opposed (or I like to say contains a possible compliment) to that Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.  This means there is a stress between our need for security and control, and that slow redefinition of what we want from expansion.  But that motivation can be brilliant, and the intense focus, while vexing and frustrating may give us exactly the right lens to view our lives through to make those decisions.

and then?  well there are two prominent sextiles operating between the bodies previously mentioned...  Sextiles provide a possibility for growth should we seize them, and therefore are the best thing to grab onto!  

First Venus Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio is Sextil Pluto in Capricorn.  What does this mean, it means we can learn how not to do things... This means that the evidence of manipulation and secrecy in the system at large and what comes of it... is a powerful warning.  When we look to seize self power, the trick is to do so by embracing responsibility, and to do so honestly and in the light of day, and from this we may rewrite the story in a way in which we all gain.

Second the Moon in Cancer is sextile to Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.  It means that our sensitivities bring a great deal of understanding should we choose to use them to the way we rethink our growth strategies, and putting a focus on how we rethink those strategies in very concrete Tauran terms may help us feel more secure.

In  short, an excellent opportunity to be very present, very aware and to rethink it all.  To find a responsible way to grow within the world and among all people, to embrace a responsibility and keep room for all of us.
Complicated but very rich in possibilities.

Eat your vegetables, it will feel good later.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:

Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Monday, October 17, 2011

And in the Middle of the Maelstrom, Its About Feelings Moon in Grand Trine and T-Cross

Did I mention this is a time of big things?  Grand epics?  
Do I have to?
Its a rather funny thing, when the big dramatic stuff is happening up there,
It can make commenting on whats going on in the stars make one feel a bit redundant.

For example:
Pluto in Capricorn Squared to Uranus in Aries, a kind of long term issue, as both bodies move so slowly.  Pluto, dark deals, power, corruption and claiming personal power against the bigger world, in Capricorn, the house of Governments, Law, Banking and finances, squaring up against Uranus, the march of the future, the driver of big idealism, equality and just, well, newness.  And in Aries the house of birth, and the house of aggressions, demands, and beginnings of life, it demands.  Aries is the day house of mars, and nothing pushes like Aries!

Ya... Duh... add that at the moment Uranus is retrograde, means its a bit in a place of considering what to do, like a grand revolutionary question, the question itself the revolution.

At the same time the Sun is Conjunct to Saturn and Juno, Saturn involved in a long term trine with Neptune on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp and Conjunct again long term with Chiron.

In these terms the sun is our identity, and may represent a sort of awareness or focus, come conjunct to Saturn- boundaries, rules work practicality time, and our personal pains and Juno the way we negotiate our needs and what we are willing to sacrifice.  With this happening in Libra it is a question supremely of dialog, trying to bring balance and negotiation.  

Trine to Neptune Chiron conjunction on the Pisces Aquarius cusp implies an easy flow between this motivation and Neptune (spiritual aspiration/ emotional escape) Pisces-Aquarius cusp- the place where the metaphysical ideal meets the practical design ideal, what i call the holy grail point of the chart.  Chiron representing how we change our past pains into hopes and vision for a new world also resonates with that and creates between the two a bit of a romantic space.  But well, maybe that's not a bad thing.

and again, something feels obvious about this assessment, like you don't need an astrologer just an hour on the Internet.

Here is what I can add

In the middle of all of this for today and a few days sits the moon.Sitting on the Gemini - Cancer cusp, what I like to think of as the merger of social skill and social responsibility.  The moon, our feelings.
The moon in Grand trine with the Saturn-Juno-Sun, and Neptune Chiron...
Flowing easily building a spiritual aspiration based on practical responsibility and a desire for something more fair.  An emotional space beyond words.

The moon then is also opposed to Pluto, and yes an emotional awareness of corruption, is strong, and motivating.  The moon is square to Uranus, nervous of the forward march of change in spite of it, as there is a deep emotional reaction knowing that something must change, and in a way that may mean that nothing will be the same again.

But remember:

To ancient Kemet (Egypt) Thoth the moon God was the navigator of the Sun.  On a personal level the sun is our identity, and the moon our feelings.  In the end follow deeply what makes your heart sing, and you will do the best.  This is a beautiful world with incredible possibilities.  But don't let the story ever get so big that your heart does not speak first.

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:

Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Time for Reflection: Venus/Mercury-Moon jupiter-Mars T Square with Neptune Trining and Quentiling

It can be easy to feel disheveled,
It can be easy to feel emotionally exhausted.
Intense ideas and desires abound,
Impatience and a sense of justice and and right demand action,
It is easy to be impatient.
There is a desire for the simple, contemplative, the straight forward, the elegantly simple.
And all that seems to be obvious is intensity confusion and the maelstrom.
It can be easy to be exhausted.
It can be easy to give up.
To argue.

To despair.

An Argument is giving up, because after all when we give in to the argument we let go of any hope of working things out in a way that all people can benefit.

Despair is giving up, because it is emotionally turning away from the light of truth.

But there is a magickal third way,
Not an argument or a charge,
Not an exhausted despairing whimper into the darkness,
But to step away for a while,
To breath,
to sit on the mountain top and put all things aside a find peace, and listen to the wind.
To regroup.
This is a path of the faith in the goodness of life,
That there is a way if we allow ourselves to retract enough to find a moment of peace,
and listen.
In ancient times Celtic peoples believed that the birch was the tree of prophecy,
because when the wind blew through the leaves it translated and gave the wind voice in their rustling.
Sounds such as this bring us back to spirit,
the rustling of the leaves,
the roar of the sea.

Sit on the mountaintop,
find center
find peace.
Then slowly we may begin the negotiations.
For that is what life is, negotiations.

Life is the Joyful union of many divergent forces.
It takes the sun, and the rain and the soil and the rot, and the worms,
such disparate fellows to make the grain grow,
so too for all of existence.

To make peace, they too step away,
the fields lay fallow for half a year,
The winds do not always blow,
this is how we make room for one another,
this is how we keep room for ourselves.

With patience, care, love and faith, we will find a way.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:

Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chaos Creates, Ways Come Clear, Keep Courage, You Walk in Beauty: Liltith, The Moon and a Bouquet of Oppositions

As the Moon conjuncts Lilith in Aries, opposing the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Juno,  it can be tempting to give in to a sense of insecurity for some, a sense of profound uncertainty. 

Rather than reinforce the specifics of this, maybe it would be far more useful to talk about what good can be taken from this, and advise on this strange place in the road.

In Aries we are called to face the shadows of our fears, the looming insecurities and the truth that we can not necessarily know.  It is at moments like this that the world may feel to be in chaos, that as a friend said recently "the world feels like it is fallling down-going to chaos".

So lets stop a think about this again. 

In most creation myths, before the beginning was a darkness, or a chaos... as trite as it sounds Nietzche said, "out of Chaos comes order."  But in truth creation is a never-ending cycle in which destruction and yes chaos is a key component.  It is at moments when it all falls down, that we are given an opportunity to move closer to truth, closer to our ideals, and even more able to expand them.

Like anything there is a choice, for we could always choose to do just the opposite, and all we have is our own choices.

But here is the deal.

When you are lost in the forest, all you have is to hold on to experience and principles.  The skilled tracker follows the tracks of animals not just for food, but to water.  The skilled tracker follows the signs of bear to food sources, knowing that the bear follows a similar lifestyle to people, and thus may eat the same food sources.  The skilled guide remembers that water always flows downhill, and where there is water there are usually people....

Why the lesson?

To illustrate a simple point.  Whether we are aware of it or not uncertainty sits next to us every moment of our lives, only to disrupt us with it's pressence seldom when we deign notice it for the reason of an external event.  But it is supremely an opportunity.  And if we use our own guidance- our heart, our ethical compass, our senses and yes listenning to the world and universe around us and faith in the divine, we may know that a path will open to us, with dilligence and faith.  And that is as much in truth as we can ask for, because it is actually all there ever was.


I open to the reality of change, and that I will open to a knew more positive world.  I trust my heart, my ethics and the Sacred spirits of life to lead me through the wilderness, and know that the way will be made clear, and give thanks to the divine!  As ever i walk in Beauty.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Age of Giants: A Time for Visioning and Ideals

So the issues of Power I discussed yesterday?  Still going on, and in fact will be for some time.

So much of that story is centered very strongly on the ongoing Pluto (Power plays) square to Uranus (original thought, reformation, idealism).

This is a big story about our time that even when the square ends (and it has been with us for a while) the Status of Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries will continue these themes, as they are central as part of the theme of our times.

This is an important point about our outer planets, just as Pluto in Sagittarius marked the era of the Internet and commerce bubbles of the 90's-00's (addressing power in unfettered optimism), and Pluto in Scorpio marked the era of HIV (addressing power in the house of sex, Politics and scheming), and "greed is good" of the 1980's,  Our era is marked by Pluto in Capricorn (addressing the presence of power in institutions the law Commerce and Banking).

Uranus in Aries shows a sense of the future, of idealism and egalitarianism that is now impatient, is now demanding, is as martial as Aries ruling mars, and as creative as the birth of spring and the new cycle that Aries represents...

This is an era of Titans, not titanic individuals, but titans beyond any individual, it is a time when the ground moves and the primal forces of what it means to be human show themselves!

So keeping in mind, this grand back ground, let me draw your attention to yet another titan on the scene.
Mysterious, metaphysical blurry dissolving and transmuting Neptune currently in retrograde, flirting back and forth over the cusp of its native Pisces and Aquarius.  Interestingly enough, as the ages are in the process of progressing across this cusp as well, we find this cusp of the unusual combination of mystical idealism and practical humanitarian idealism, super-energized, and thus Neptune (and Chiron who's hanging along with Neptune) is also super charged!

This is a time for grail seeking!  This is a time to find Camelot! to search for that true ideal, that holy immaculate kingdom that somewhere in our heart we know we are meant to be!  With Chiron riding this wave, It is a time to transmute the suffering of the past into a vision and eventually a plan to build a new world that brings empowerment that no-one need suffer the way it has.  It is an understanding of the Metaphysical nature of Equality, the spiritual nature of justice.  It is the ideal of room for the individual, and that the individual receives support from the common, and that gift must be reciprocal! 

This is a time to set a vision, this is a time to make sure the process is strong, equal, responsible and most of all reciprocal, because that motion of give and give back is river that keeps the land green!

And right now?  Why Neptune is Trined (which means flows well and easily with) Venus in Scorpio- Our sense of pleasure and beauty is rooted in our sense of personal power.  Mercury in Libra - Our dialogue and    words and thoughts are focused on how to negotiate fairness, Saturn in Libra- Our sense of responsibility is focused on the need to demand a fair balance, Juno in Libra- Our sense of negotiating what we need from our relationships and what we are willing to give (including of course commercial relationships, Juno was a goddess of Marriage commerce and Bureaucracy) focused deeply on finding a fair reciprocal balance.

When all these things Trine Neptune it is a time when an open fair and reciprocal ideal is raised to the level of spiritual mystery.  This is a time to contemplate- together.  To find community and vision and make a new world.

I open to those around me.  I give to my community and get what i need. With openness and fairness we can together create a better world, in the big sense from a better world in the small sense.  It begins with intent, it begins with a word, it begins with an openness to listen, a resolve to stand up for ourselves and our brothers and sisters.  It is the resolve that there are no enemies, and an understanding we will not be pushed around.

I open to the truth that is Com-unity. Com- To be with, unity.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:

Or at:
Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.
Tue - Sat:11:00 am-6:00 pm
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer