Monday, January 23, 2012

Mystical Journey into Self: Solar Astrology 1/23/12-1/29/12

 Neptune has just moved into Pisces and the Sun and Moon are coming into Conjunction in Aquarius this week. In general this is prime time for finding yourself and discovering what it is you really want, your destiny and all the beautiful possibilities that the seed of your inner self can grow for your life! No matter what your sun sign this is a good week for some quality introspection and listening. (listening on your inside to what your spirit tells you and on the outside to what spirit tells you through the rest of creation.)

Having faith in yourself is good. Embracing fortune is wonderful. Opening your heart to a philosophy of abundance is key. If you don't do that you'll miss out on the great bounty of possibilities this week holds for you. At the same time if you don't skeptically kick the tires before you make the purchase, save the receipt and try to find the shortest line to get through the checkout you may also squander those very same blessings.

This, my dear Taurus, is a red letter week. It is a time to trust your instincts! The catch? Don't let the slow pace and necessity for hard work dissuade you (not that it usually would). The going may be difficult and time consuming but this is a time when your heart and head are joined and drawn directly to the best of your aspirations!

Your destiny is yours, and by goodness now is an excellent time to make sure that you have direct hold on the reigns of your life. Passion and vision are there to find your direction. Just remember dreams are good but keep your understanding of time frames and labor realistic. It is an easy time to doom yourself by expecting things to come too easily. Do not give up Gemini, this could be something grand!

This is a time to take control of your heart. This is not a time to deny your feelings or pretend you don't have any. This is a time to carefully study the messages you give and what you expect of relationships, and romance in particular. It is time to assess your needs and make sure you are voicing them in sensitive yet direct ways. Even if you are not currently in a romantic relationship it is a great time to look at the set of expectations you bring to all your relationships.

Its all about finding new skill sets, particularly when it comes to other people. This is a week for pulling out that hostess apron, or playing matchmaker for friends. This is a week to try new things in groups. Try to keep it fun pleasant and light, but also make sure to focus on real friendships not on casual acquaintances.

Its a good time to focus on your skill set. Yes for a Virgo this week should be quite fun. The only thing to remember is to give yourself a break and try very hard to go easy on your personal critique. I know this is easier said than done, but it is a time for learning new skills, and maybe pushing yourself a little toward the limelight.  Remember something about stuff you haven't tried before: you are not supposed to be good at it yet. So self criticism? Is just self defeat. I beg you Virgo please stow the self judgment and fearlessly tackle something bold and new. You will thank yourself for it!

This is your time to Shine Libra! Go out dancing, but only if the lighting works for your outfit.
The key here is owning your beauty and happiness, taking full responsibility for it and choosing the sweet nectar of life! Revel responsibly, and come home feeling like the beautiful angel you are! This is also a great week to put in some quality family time. Consider doing both at once!

This is a good week to find your self. Here's a hint, the best place to look is in places where you can serve the greater community. It is a good week to volunteer in a cause you feel passionately about.  There is a balance necessary to this of course. Be careful to make sure you are taking care of your direct needs first.  It totally defeats the purpose if you run yourself into the ground doing this.   With some meditation/ prayer and a bit of sweat for a good cause, I'm betting you come out of it feeling inspired and on your way to the next great possibility!

This is a time for creative daring. Not in a death-defying sort of way, just in a “I never saw the world from that angle" sort of way.” To get the most out of this week I suggest at some point you try the following:

1. Clear your schedule

2. Go somewhere. Take a walk, go on a bike ride or bus ride. But here's the trick. Don't chose      your destination by where you want to end up, or what you have liked in the past. Avoid choosing a destination at all. Maybe start by throwing a dart at a bus map. And you can bring a coin to flip on route to make decisions on where to turn and what streets to take.

What is the point of all this? To take your previous assumptions/ habits from allowing you to have an experience.  To remove the expectations and allow you to see your world as a direct honest experience. To experience the world around you (not to mention your own life) in a fresh direct way.

This is a good week to take a moment to be nice to your body. This is a good week to get a message, sit in a steam room and get a facial. This is also a good week to go for a hike, a bike ride, eat decadently healthy dishes and enjoy some fresh air. Of course these are never bad things to do. What is the reason I think this is a good week in particular for such pass-times? My goal is to get you out of the weekly grind in a healthy way, and prime your mystic pump to dispense insights into all kinds of joyous and wonderful possibilities for the future.

 Wow Aquarius, this is a challenging and rewarding week for you. Hidden somewhere in that complicated exciting mind of yours is a magic totem. It is the beautiful fetish of how you are perceived. It has to do with the ways in which you present yourself to the world. Over the course of the next week a little soul searching can help you lay hands on this magic talisman, and once in hand you can retool your image. Done correctly, you may find a few more allies and people you feel come close to really understanding who you are.  Keep in mind that the idea of authentic representation is the key to your success! Happy hunting!

Pisces, oh Pisces, what's that in your eyes? I do believe its stars. Not that this is uncommon for you, but my goodness you must be swimming in mystic revelations, fairy tails and all manner of mystery and wonder. Remember that none of these beautiful possibilities go away if you keep your feet on the ground.  Plus, they are far more likely to actually come to pass in a substantial way! Drink lots of water.  Remember to eat, to sleep, to work. Make sure you are living your life as well as your dreams. Then focus on what the word “ideal” means to you. Try to come up with as many possible meanings as you can believe in. It is time to revise your aims!   Just be very careful to keep yourself safe with your feet on the ground. And if a man wants to sell you a famous bridge at a surprisingly reasonable rate? Say no!  

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