Monday, December 5, 2011

A Time to Mend: 12/5/2011

Any subject we can talk about may be seen on many levels. For example if someone made a loud sigh, one could say that they did so because they were annoyed, or they could say they did so because the air escaping quickly from their throat caused a vibrational wave in surrounding air resulting in a sound. Both would be true. In so many ways life has a tendency to lay layer upon layer, it is in many ways why I always felt there was always room for both a logical understanding of the world as well as a well, spiritual (and in point of fact probably many other kinds!) Right now there is some really obvious, fairly in your face stuff going down, Uranus Continues to Square Pluto... Power struggles trying to define the course of a new era... Pluto (Conjunct to Venus) is in a grand trine Earth with Mars and the Moon (conjunct to Jupiter and Lilith) Speaking of a good time to dig deep into ourselves and take a tough look at our integrity, a deep look at how our gain affects others, and to hone our attentions not on our intentions, but our "un-intentions"... how we allow others to suffer for our gain, how we choose to remain naive when it is convenient... Neptune Conjunct to Chiron and Vesta on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp can Lend a hand if we so choose to embrace the mystical energy that comes from an embracing of our inner need to make service to the world around us in the name of our higher good... Saturn Trines in on this Informing us to negotiate negotiate negotiate, and to make all deals verbal and eshew assumptions as to deals made with others!

And now for the deeper “spookier” side... lol ya that wasn't it...

Nessus, ruler of blood feuds, sins of the father, dark vendettas and all manner of old dark creepy things that come from the past to destroy us from within- and therefore forgiveness in its own twisted way- is hanging out in Aquarius. Now his influence is usually relatively mild, and he only shows up when he interacts in a serious way with someone else... In Aquarius, he provides a chance to move on, but a temptation to try to too lightly, now he Quentiles the moon in Taurus... where the moon is most comfy, the moon then Biquentiles Mercy inSagitarius, which then Quentiles... wait for it... Nessus...

Now a Quentile is a magickal opportunity in which two things seemingly incredibly disparate may be combined to create a brilliant genius, even dare I say magickal opportunity beyond any expectation. A bi-Quentil? Is much like a Quentil only tends to be protective, or reactive to outside stimuli... Mostly I don't bring up bi-Quentiles... but when its lodged between two quentiles, it seems to me likely that we may between those 3 have  reactive juices flowing, creating between the three an engine of dare I say it? MAGICKAL POSSIBILITIES!

Here's the deal, we gotta start with Nessus, we gotta start with our resentments, our grudges, our guilt. We gotta look at them, own them, and really really find forgiveness, for ourselves, for others, we gotta do reparations where we can, and admit that reparations are not where we can't... We gotta turn to that solid earthy moon and hold all this in our hearts, without the drama, just the honesty, the kindness and the marvelous strength only powerful sensitivity can bring. Then we gotta thing about it, talk about it, teach about it, and do so with all the optimism, and sage deftness and devil-may-careness of an intellectual Sagittarius, and we have to hold these things next to each other, like a prayer of the mind for the passions, and a prayer of the heart for the body and the earth, and we must hold all that old tired suffering of the past, of the long dead, of our long past childhoods, and the history of this earth, all the world, all the peoples human and otherwise. And if we do it sincerely, and with great courage honesty and humility, to judge none, with the intent to simply make peace... A magickal thing beyond our dreams may occur.

Heck its worth a shot right?

Extreme aspects currently in the sky also interact with our personal charts.  Make sure you are taking the space to breath and keep healthy physically emotionally and spiritually.  One way that can aid in this is treating yourself to a personal astrological consultation.
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
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Astrological Consultation By appointment or walk-in Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays 12:00 pm - 5:00 PM or by appointment.

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