C. a great excuse to get ripped with Swedish friends D. a day that also resonates with the Imun Coeli in the personal chart E. All of the above
And yes, the answer is e. For those of you who have the good fortune of getting ripped with Swedes today you might want to bookmark this and give it a read later (and Skol!) The rest of you may be wondering what the heck I mean by the Imun Coeli etc etc... (those drinking at this point probably couldn't get this far into the articdle with any luck).
The Imun Coeli is the point in the chart exactly opposite the midheaven, and represents that place that is held deepest into ourselves. Often things along the Imun Coeli are hard to consider as they are almost subconscious. This is of course reflective of this time of year. Truly the midsummer is a time for doing not considerring. It is the season of toil in the field.
The energy of midsummer runs deep tho, so deep we may not even notice it! And the message of this high holy day of the ancient Sun, as the Sun reaches the height of its power, and thus begins its cyclic decline, is all about the way we choose to do the things we do not think out.
The message is that all process is cyclical, but we must pay attention to what we do by rote if for no other reason than to be aware of the motivation behind what we barely notice we do! So, at this time with such a powerful Neptune in the sky, and the sun straddling the Universal Imun Coeli (because thats what midsummer means) and in fact Pluto conjunct to the Universal Midheaven (the point opposite the Imun Coeli and representing our aspirations). I propose we seek a midsummer nights dream, seeking out the mysteries of our collective unconscious, and coming clear on how we give take and use power (yup that's Pluto to you bub!)
To really do this I feel I need to explain a little thing or 2. In terms of the standard form of astrology we deal with most of the time in this column, known as "Tropical" astrology, the positions of the planets are determined by standardised segments of the sky over the Earth that were set around 2,000 years ago. At that time on the day of the Spring Equinox the Sun was positioned precisely at the cusp of Aries and Pisces, at Midsummer the Sun was Positioned precisely between Gemini and Cancer, the Fall equinox on the Virgo Libra cusp, and the Winter solstace Sagitarius Capricorn.
Standardized Tropical astrology continues to read the chart precisely this way, and in general I find this to be quite useful, and straight forward. However the literal stars in the sky have not remained quite so fixed and have slowly migrated in relation to this model over the course of thousands of years. As the position of the Spring equinox's Sun has migrated across the sign of Pisces, for the Last 2,000 years (until recently) we have said that we were in the age of Pisces. As of recently this position has moved into Aquarius.
And in Sidereal astrology these positions are the way the chart is read. In general when considering the ages, and the positions of the Solstices/ equinoxes, I find it useful to understand them as another layer of information layed upon any chart. I tend to think of it as a sort of "Universal House System" speaking to how we as a larger group in this space and time arrange energies and ideas.
So when it comes to a personal chart such considerations may not be useful, and I would choose to just take Tropical astrology into account for the sake of simplicity. However, when working with somthing like the actual date of the midheaven, and finding a spiritual connection to this ancient procession of the sun, then the sidereal position becomes important. At this point our Midsummer lies at the cusp between Gemini and Taurus- moving deeper into taurus with each year. Our deep collective uncoscious is one that seeks increasingly Taurun Values, of slow comfortable stability, while our aspirations (represented by the winter solstice) moves deeper into Scorpio representing the quest to claim our own individual power and come to grips with our mortality as an empowering move.
Right now with Pluto opposed to the Sun, we are given a fascinating moment to question power, and our attitudes torwards it form a safe solid comfortable space. To lazily lye under a tree enjoy our midsummer night's dream, question the power of kings in the manner to which only a fool or a child is permitted, and maybe find the the head that wears the crown is a Jack-ass, or at least he wears no clothes. Then again maybe thats what it means to wear a crown. Its time to dance through the fog of our dreams, face our own mortality and know that we are the only authority we need, and the only place to put the blame.
Oh ya and SKOL!
"On this day of kings i speak truth to power and claim myself as center of my life. I am the active force and Love and Own all that I am"
for more Reading: Pluto: http://rebelastrology.blogspot.com/2011/04/pluto-dark-deals-personal-power.html
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
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