Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Patience: An Activity Worth Doing

Today I felt the need to skip the Astrological details and move directly to the Advice. So here it is.  

Patience is not simply a matter of endurance,
Patience is an active practice,Patience is the art of being present,

present with your ears,

your mind,

your heart.

Patience is the act of listening without judgement,

Watching without expectation,
trusting in an open heart and the creativity of forces that move between all people, spirits, creatures, and all things,
trusting that being open to experience brings a communion between the divine in all things, 

and from that great communion comes great creative resolution in ways we can not imagine!

This is patience, this profound kind of compassion Com - with, passion ... to have passion with, to share passion, a communion of sentiment.
patience is a communion in the moment of sentiment, of passion, of experience of observation of mind of self, ultimately of divine infused in all things.

Patience is a practice of finding faith.  Sharing spirit.  It is with profound patience that we overcome all obstacles by recognizing all obstacles as simple knots to untie.
If we find the practice of patience all things may be resolved.

Patience is not the act of pretending.  it is the act of being absolutely real and present.
Patience is not the act of ignoring discomfort, but observing it in faith and compassion, and untying it with all the understanding we can muster, in all ways.

It is the humble act of being, and being real.  There is little more revolutionary than Patience for it is what allows us to come together and overcome all oppression, for oppression is a construct that is built in separation,
patience is the act of coming together.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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