Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finding Our Innocence: Letting in the Air (Moon in Aquarius Trine Stellium in Libra)

Its about slack.  Its about space to breath.  Its about finding the simple wonder, the naivete that allows for possibilities and holding onto it with all that you have.  Its about the smell the world makes right after the rain, the feeling after a cool shower on a hot day.  This is what its all about right now.

If you don;t feel this way, do what it takes to find it.  This is not  about escape, it is about giving yourself the air to be really really present.  Its about breathing as you go. 

There is a deep truth in innocence.  Innocence is something we begin with, and thus part of us always lives within.  Before we learned to be victims, warriors, saviors, broken, sick, what ever it was that we decided to let ourselves believe of ourselves, we were the original innocent vibration of creation,

We are more than the little bit of our story that we remember on this earth.  We are spirits beyond time.  We exist apart from time, and everything we have ever been we are right now.

I implore you to take just a minute out of eternity

Just a minute out of the story you assume you are in.

and remember that you are still innocent,

you are still whole

you are still a creature of wonder and of wind and of rain,

of the forest and the dust of stars.

Even now, you may call Unicorns.

I try to speak the best truth I can for you at every moment, but sometimes the old stories are the best.  Here is something very old to speak to you, on how new, how whole and how wonderful you are.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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