Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Meditation for the Neptune-Chiron Conjunction and Jupiter-Neptune Sextil

A full happy fulfilling life begins with an inward expansion.  What that means is that the more open, positive, loving thankful and Joyful we can keep ourselves on the inside, the more wonders of life we can welcome on the outside (and the more meaningful they are!).  In a very simple sense we must grow our internal reservoir of joy, because if it is limited, then no matter how hard we try, no matter how great the sea of joy that presents itself, we will always be limited by how much room we make in our hearts and hopes to take it in.

I open my Heart to Love and I release expectation, embracing only the Joy of Gratitude and the Assurance of the Great Love of Source and my own great divine expression of it.

More reading/viewing onJupiter; Neptune&Chiron and their current Conjunction

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