Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Juno: Expecting what we deserve, Equality and Respect in Relationships

 1st article in a series on the objects of the asteroid belt, considered minor bodies but objects that center around issues very crucial to our personal lives
Other asteroid belt objects discussed:

Many people quite familiar with astrology may never have considered Juno. Juno is a fairly small body, one of many asteroids in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. In astrology too, Juno has often been considered to be a minor body. This would probably be due to the very specific territory she covers: how we negotiate power to our personal relationships.
On a large scale of predictive astrology this may seem minor, but within the focus of Human experience this becomes quite powerful.

Who was the goddess Juno? She was the Queen of Olympus, Wife of Jupiter, Mother of Mars among others. She ruled Commerce Bureaucracy and civil institutions, most notably marriage.

Remember what commerce was like in the age of Rome and Greece. When one went to the market it was a direct negotiation of haggling. Two people meeting to try to get their needs met in an informal negotiation.

Juno talks to us about how much we are willing to give up any relationship, but most commonly causes its most marked human consequences in the arena of romance and marriage.
When in tune and well balanced our Juno allows us to ask for our needs, respect other peoples needs, maintain our relationships, avoid relationships in which we sacrifice too much or likewise make too many demands upon. A healthy relationship with Juno means that we remain whole and equal partners with whole and equal partners.

Affirmation for a Healthy Juno:
I deserve and give equality to my romantic partners, and every partner I co-exist with. I am worthy of interactions in which I receive what I need honestly and freely, and give what my partner needs honestly and freely. As we are all worthy of these things there need never be a competition, and the opportunities for compatibility are many, thus I can expect that much from my human relationships.

A Session with a professional astrologer can be beneficial in the exploration of issues of Juno in a personal chart (and a personal life)
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:

follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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