Wednesday, May 25, 2011


There is no torture setting on the Universe,
If there is dicomfort in your life, it is simply an impetus to examine:
Are you living in accordance with what you really want?
Do you believe with all of your heart that you are worthy of joy honestly without exception? (you are!)
Are you longing to learn more, experience more than you are allowing yourself to?
Seriously your true joy lies within your healthiest space, Your true joy necessitates a wholehearted understanding that you are fully worthy of your true joy.  That means there is no need for deception, there is only love.
All vibrations reflected in the stars exist only to keep us aligned to the pursuit and understanding of where your true joy is.  Because the natural state of the universe is expansion and expression, and no matter what you do you CANNOT help but be a reflection of the universe.  When you stand in your own way, it hurts.

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