Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Saturn: Ever Present Present of the Present, The Power of the Here and Now

I enjoy growing into my life in every moment, feeling fully Joyful in the now I embrace moving forward deliberately into the next moment in constant awareness of deep appreciation and the joy of Living.
This is the third installment in a series looking in depth at the outer planets all playing significant roles in challenging aspects over this summer. (although Saturn is technically directly the Border between inner and outer planets, holding the boundary) This series is not intended to justify difficulties but to give insight in putting these often challenging issues to work for greater fulfillment and a happier life.

Saturn holds the line, sets the barriers and can sometimes seem like the big umpire in the sky. Only, instead of a whistle he's got a jailer's keys and the reaper's sickle. On the other hand, if that's how your feeling for goodness sake stop it! Let me explain this much maligned but beautiful, useful and important energy!
In the beginning there was Gaia and Uranus, Earth mother and sky father. Uranus was the father of the Titans, youngest of which was Kronos  (in the Latin Saturn). Uranus imprisoned his children in the bowels of Gaia (earth) causing her great suffering. Saturn was given a spear made of napped flint, by his mother Gaia, and with it castrated his father (You think teen-agers these days are a handful?), and by very old standards of kingship deposed him, and assuming the role of kingship (I guess they felt that when it came to pricks, you had one to be the biggest one). Saturn takes the limitless possibilities of the original creation of father sky and tames them by giving us an order within to create, and a structure to reason and live. Saturn sets the boundaries. In astrology Saturn has traditionally been viewed as a fairly negative force. This is largely because the themes of Saturn, when out of alignment in our lives can instigate painful circumstances. Let us be clear however, there is no vibration in the universe that is not good needed and natural. And like in day to day life, if it hurts, it means your doing it wrong.  (IE Take your hand off the burner fool!)  It is completely our reaction to it that can cause us grief.
Saturn tells us where our boundaries are. When we have harmony in our Saturn we hold ourselves to what we want, what is healthy for us, IE our hearts desire. When we have harmony with Saturn we learn to move step by step building what we wish at a pace that allows us to get what we want.
Out of balance Saturn makes all things feel like work, like heavy burdens, or like huge scary risks. He can cause us fear (because we are not listening to our own needs).
Saturn is NOT a signal that there is a lacking, or not enough. Though again when we do not heed our needs or strive for what we really want the result may well mean that Saturn steps in and makes us feel the pains of Lack. (One may be obese and malnourished with a wealth of "Twinkies" for example).

So how do we keep Our Saturnal selves happy? Saturn is not a hard character to figure out. Saturn asks for a step by step approach to life. Saturn is also the God of time, past and present. When our past gangs up on us and seems to overcome us, when the idea of our future seems overwhelming, it may be the first indication that we are getting out of alignment with our Saturn nature. The first message of a healthy Saturn is to enjoy the now, keep very present. Allow Saturn to keep the past for us, trust him to hold the distant future. The next message is to embrace the next step. It can be hard to know where we ultimately want to go, or even if we do, it may be overwhelming to think about. The message here is the old saying “ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” While the long haul may be out of sight we can always know the best place to stand next. There is no need to worry beyond that. The final message of Saturn is set your boundaries. What are you doing out of obligation that your heart is not in or is not serving your higher purpose. Here's a hint if it serves your higher purpose it feels good. No joke.

I enjoy growing into my life in every moment, feeling fully Joyful in the now I embrace moving forward deliberately into the next moment in constant awareness of deep appreciation and the joy of Living.
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