Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Understanding Patience, Hope is Rising: Leo Sun-Venus conjunction Square Jupiter, Trine Uranus Conjunct Ceres

OK, so here's the thing.  Right now the sun and Venus are conjunct- that means that our sense of beauty attraction and what we want are tied up very close, and in fact they are intensifying our feelings about it, they are doing this on the warm friendly playful, yet compassionate cusp of Leo and Cancer.  While this is going on these two planets are trine a Uranus-Ceres Conjunction in Aries (on the Pisces Cusp).  It means that these energies are encouraging each other, and what Uranus-Ceres are doing is quite simply pushing for the extremely new, absolute change, and new experiences!  This flows easily into our sun and Venus, urging us on to new experiences.
At the same time Jupiter is squaring our Sun-Venus scenario, hanging in Taurus.  What does this mean, slow comfortable steady progress in growth and expansion.  Under these circumstances there may be a tendency to feel impatient, and agitated, after all we are ready for big new things, to charge ahead, and the pace although steady may leave a lot to be desired from one point of view.
The challenge here is to learn to enjoy the ride over the destination.  Enjoy the process.  Find the intriguing and new along the way.  We can make a lot of progress when we seem to be going nowhere, its called meditation, its called prayer, its called day to day joy.

I embrace the simple momentary joy of living, I enjoy the process of midwifing the world I want to live in.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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