Thursday, July 28, 2011

Grand Trine Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto: Growing in Stregnth, in measure, and in Integrity

As we look into the astrological charts today, we are confronted by two energies that will be with us for a while, but are really very important to look at, so lets begin!
Lets start with the "softer" of the 2, which is a grand earth trine (for those of you unaware of what a grand trine is,it is when three planets/objects, when connected, form a perfect equilateral triangle on the chart).  
We begin with the cardinal point (in a grand trine all planets are in a sign of the same element, in this case Earth, and each operate out of a different "temperamental" energy, Cardinal, Mutable, Fixed).  Cardinal represents beginnings and is known for agitation in favor of the characteristics of the element involved (in this case Earth).
Capricorn is our Cardinal energy for Earth, and laying claim to that corner of our grand trine is slow moving, power oriented, and surgeon who brings corruption of power to light (sometimes by raising its visibility) Pluto...  
Pluto continues to show the inequities in the houses of the law, economics, the Patriarchal powers and the institutional establishment.  This placement of Pluto may tempt people to make crooked deals, but keep in mind under this influence we reap what we sow very strongly.  Remember when we gain dishonestly (and allowing ourselves to "not know" is a bigger lie than when we lie to others first)  we are acting a grand prayer to the universe (as we do with every choice we make) and that prayer is saying, "I do not deserve what I need and what I want, because if I did I would have faith in my ability to get it honestly"
Now this powerful call to integrity in financial, legal and power dealings, this call to honestly claim our personal power flows easily into the fixed energy of Taurus (fixed is the energy of continuation, it steadies and brings commitment, dislikes change and can be somewhat rigid).  Jupiter is our Tauran corner of the trine, and represents, hope, positive attitude growth and expansion, and in Taurus Jupiter sets a steady sure footed and comfortable ongoing pace of growth, not fast but reliable, safe and dependable.  The patience of Taurus is not one for waiting, but an energy of enjoying the very process of growth and steady movement (which is really what patience is anyway).  The slow steady reliability of growth presents a field prime to rebuild and remake what Pluto reveals as corrupt. 
The final corner is of course mutable. Mutability represents an energy that is able to adapt to adjust to change.  In the case of earth, the sign in question is Virgo, and in this case it is Mercury (who is on the cusp of Virgo and Leo moving into Virgo).  Here mercury who rules thoughts, ideas and words, finds an articulation that is specific to the point and constructive.  Mercury here holds some confidence (from the Leo cusp) but also, and most importantly is a utilitarian application of information, a thought on design, and speaking to those ends.  Constructively critical Mercury in Virgo is poised perfectly to Analise and bring to definition, thought and word, the questions Pluto brings up.  It also gives analytical back-up to encourage the kind of growth Jupiter is bringing up!

The key here:  We are given this gift of clear head, to redesign our lives in light of a new embrace of our own personal power and responsibility, a slow responsible growth and an attention and awareness of details.

Now let's look at the 2nd configuration going on right now, shall we?

And here we have a new iteration of the grand cardinal cross that we have encountered earlier this summer.  In every case (this summer) it involves Saturn in Libra, Square Pluto in Capricorn, square Uranus (conjunct Ceres) in Aries (Uranus/Ceres opposing Saturn).  And as this cross was completed earlier by the sun and Venus, here the moon finishes the square while occupying its own house of Cancer.

Lets just sum this up quickly.  The uprisings and idealisms of our age at this moment is in a space of being full throttle forward, don't look back (AKA Uranus in Aries) is pushing against a sense of order and limitations to our sense of negotiation, and our relationships (Saturn in Libra) and both are agitating up against the way the Power dynamic is at work in the world particularly what is viewed as corruption in Economics legal matters, sexual politics and governance (Pluto in Capricorn).  Now, The moon pulls in opposing Pluto, squaring Saturn and Uranus.
Here the moon, our sensitivities finds itself on one side challenged by unpredictable change (Uranus in Aries), on the other by a sense of a lack of openness to negotiation, and therefore a closed-ness to (and therefore a seemingly scarcity of) intimacy, and finally this sense of corruption and giving away personal power in the face of the institution may leave an insecurity in our emotional states....
Here's the deal... Claim your power take your time and breath... this is all good...
Plus, there is a little trick... A Sextil is an interaction between bodies of complimentary, but not identical elements.  they represent 2 things that may be utilized together in a positive growth inducing way.  It is not automatic, so here is where I want everyone looking.  Between our cross and grand trine, we have a little sextil, capable of linking them, and supporting our moon, giving its strength to our sensitivities.  

Its between Jupiter and the moon.  The key?  Focus emotionally on the joy of the slow steady process.  Let the reliability and safety of the process that we have control over. enjoy literally watching the crops grow... and enjoy it.  Enjoy the everyday process of slowly moving forward.

"I find my security in the process of forward movement within myself and my life.  I find my power and inspiration from the coming of the new".

More Articles to Enrich Today's Reading:
On Pluto 
On Mercury 
Balancing Sun, Moon and Mercury 

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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