Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Balance of Approach in Time, Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, the Modes

In old myth 3 were the number of the weavers of fate, who from their loom created the rubric of time.  The Norns, the Fates, the Wyrd Women, names from separate western cultures and yet speaking to the same idea.  First the maiden, who spins the thread, begins ideas, second the Mother, who lays down the thread, creates the weave itself by putting the energies of the maiden into an order, and finally the elder woman, or crone with sharp scissors she cuts off the work of the mother to prepare for a transition of new thread brought again through the maiden.

In astrology we speak of these energies as the Modes, and they are integral to the process of life in general.  Modes are so much about keeping a sort of ongoing kinetic balance, a balance that is not like the flat line when all forces equal out, but rather of an ongoing equilibrium in motion.  A stable curve of Creation.  I find the best way to think of the modes is as if a painter applying color to a canvas.  Color theory tells us that there are 3 primary colors that if we apply to a canvas we may get any other color.  So too we apply our three modes, not to mute them out to a muddy grey, but to create a vision of the world.

This said lets understand the nature of the modes and how they relate to the astrological signs.  The three modes are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, and each resonates with a part of the story, beginning, middle end, creator, order maker and ender or transitioner.  Remember that in addition to a mode each sign also has an element, and a season.  Each sign represents a beginning middle or transitioning end of a season.
Let's take a look:

Cardinal: Spinner, Maiden, Agitators, Seminole energies
Aries (Fire Maiden, Spinner of Spring-and the year) Cancer (Water Maiden, Spinner of Summer) Libra (Air Maiden, Spinner of Autumn) Capricorn (Earth Maiden, Spinner of Winter)

Cardinal is the energy of beginnings, assertive new, and generally considered pushy for the energy that it represents. The gifts of Cardinal represent an ability to create new projects and ideas, to invent and motivate.  Cardinality is the engine of creation, the muscle of the cosmic body, motivating the spinning of the year wheel, and she tends to charge in without looking and on her own accord!  Left to her own devices without any other energy Cardinal energies may burn themselves out quickly, or may excitedly jump from one idea to another without ever finding conclusion or fruition.  To continue the creation process this maiden needs to find the mother, Fixed energies...

Fixed: Layer of  Weave, Maintainer, orderor, Energies of Structure and Stasis
Taurus (Earth Mother, Weaver of Spring) Leo (Fire Mother, Weaver of Summer) Scorpio (Water Mother, Weaver of Water) Aquarius (Air Mother, Weaver of Air)

The Fixed mode is the mode of continuation, of structure of discipline.  What cardinal invents, whether in Season or element,  Fixed carries and establishes.  If Cardinal mode is the engine of creation, then fixed
What cardinal begins, fixed takes and orders, institutionalizes if you will.  If Cardinal is the muscles,or engine then Fixed provides the skeleton, the iron frame.  Fixed energy loves order loves structure and keeps things going.  Alone, fixed energies may be intractably rigid, and left to its own devices fixed energy would fall to a cold rigid endless stasis.  Cardinal and fixed alone would leave us with the painful reality of the riddle of the unstoppable force and immovable option.  Left only to Fixed energy all projects would be endlessly refined, in order to finish a job, we need to learn to bend, to transition to end.  We need to take the fixed energies and translate them into the Mutable...

Mutable:  Cutter of chords, transitioner, bender, mulch maker, energies of entropy
Gemini (Krone of Air, Transitioner of Spring) Virgo (Krone of Earth, Transitioner of Summer) Sagitarius (Krone of  Fire, Transitioner of Autumn) Pisces (Krone of Water, Transitioner of Winter-and the year)

The fixed mode is the mode of softening and transitions, it is the energy of changeability and ultimately of release.  If Cardinal is the Muscle and engine, Fixed the Skeleton and metal frame, then Mutable is the hinges, the joints of the universe.  Mutability is the power of adjustment, of fluidity.  Mutable is  the call to reform reformulate to finish and move on. Mutability loves diverse ideas and many options.  Alone mutable energies would find the lowest point and sit there and are generally quite undecided and fickle.  Mutable energy sets a marvelous stage for change, but without the coming of something new, why it would stagnate at the end of all things.  To continue the cycle of creation, this mutable transition must embrace the new, must rise with a new Cardinal force... etc etc
It is best to learn to be able to embrace all these energies.  Not at every moment, because truly to function well it is best that spring follow winter and summer spring.  Likewise, fixed needs to follow Cardinal, Cardinal mutable and Mutable fixed.  It is a process of flow.  We open a new idea, we flush it out, we finish it up and transition assessing the process and beginning anew!
While it is good to always learn and expand our abilities in such things, we need not pressure ourselves to be all things to all projects, just to be able to work with people who can pick up where we leave off, and from these people, we get a vantage point to learn such things...

A Meditation:

"I open to each time.  I open to the creative forces within me, the structure and discipline and the flexibility consideration and understanding when to move on.  Powerful and alive, time is somthing I do not what is done to me."

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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