Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Smithy to the Ivory Tower: Learning to Make the Good the Ally of the Eventual Ideal (Venus-Sun Conjunct Opposing Neptune-Chiron Conjunct, Virgo/Leo-Aquarius/Pisces Axis)

FDR needed Truman.  Kirk needed Scotty.  Frodo needed Samwise.  The Light elves need the Dark Elves.  The Vault of the Heavens needs the good dark earth.  Idealism needs design, mechanism, labor.  It is way too easy to allow ourselves to walk away from opportunities that may not fit the highest ideal we have, because they simply do not, but then again if it gets us closer it is worth looking into.

Case in point right now we find ourselves balancing just such energies.  The Sun- our sense of identity, and Venus, our desire sense of Beauty and pleasure are holding court on the cusp of Virgo (dealing with practical down to earth skepticism and design), allowing for the appreciation of picky-ness in terms of the details, but also appreciating the elegance of simply making things work- The Leo side says just do it, and the Virgo side says make it simple elegant, and mechanically work.  Meanwhile, opposing  (or as I like to point out within every opposition lies the possibility of a useful compliment) are Chiron and Neptune both in retrograde, conjunct and straddling the border of Aquarius and Pisces.  Lets break that one down for you as well: Neptune represents a kind of spiritual mood, that governs our connections to all things (vague-but such is the nature of Neptune, hard to pin down like the core of the spiritual experience itself)  Chiron, the way we take the pains of our experience and turn them into positives in terms of the future and the big picture.  In conjunction a sense of the transcendent and deep spirituality is merged and empowered by the idea of re birthing a new world to  make life better.  When this occurs on the Pisces Aquarius cusp, it is especially potent, pressing us to redesign (Aquarius) and spiritually connect to this work.  It is a placement that calls to our highest spiritual Ideals, while the sun and Venus are calling to our highest practical ideals.  

This may feel at times like a grand contradiction, as the ideals of spirit must always be negotiated with the just as real and important "ideals" of the craftsman.  The trick? Understand that every step is a step in time, we can move slowly toward both ideals if we start by moving closer to both.  In other words we have to abandon the false notion that we may find the perfect and rest, and understand that both of these ideals represent equally important ways of plotting our course, and that indeed it is never our intent to find a place to sit, but to move ever forward.  When we understand things in this way we may do what works best right now in terms of both, and recognize that we are always in a state of negotiation on all levels.

Every Ivory tower has a dirty blacksmith that cares for it, and that blacksmith loves the tower with all of his heart.

I embrace the practical and possible in pursuit of the grand and ideal.  Accomplishing more than I thought was possible while moving more and more in line with my hopes and ideals.

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
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