Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vesta and Pluto the Gain of Giving

Vesta and Pluto the Gain of Giving

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
  Enter the Contest for a free personal Astrology Reading 

Juno, Pluto and Jupiter: Depth Integrity and Valueing Ourselves

Juno, Pluto and Jupiter: Depth Integrity and Valuing Ourselves

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
  Enter the Contest for a free personal Astrology Reading 

A Meditation for the Neptune-Chiron Conjunction and Jupiter-Neptune Sextil

A full happy fulfilling life begins with an inward expansion.  What that means is that the more open, positive, loving thankful and Joyful we can keep ourselves on the inside, the more wonders of life we can welcome on the outside (and the more meaningful they are!).  In a very simple sense we must grow our internal reservoir of joy, because if it is limited, then no matter how hard we try, no matter how great the sea of joy that presents itself, we will always be limited by how much room we make in our hearts and hopes to take it in.

I open my Heart to Love and I release expectation, embracing only the Joy of Gratitude and the Assurance of the Great Love of Source and my own great divine expression of it.

More reading/viewing onJupiter; Neptune&Chiron and their current Conjunction

Enter our Contest for a free reading!

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
Like us on FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Rebel-Astrology/113242495422456

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vesta: The Gift that Gives Back

2nd in a series of articles about bodies in the Asteroid belt, considered minor, but representing ideas important to personal fulfillment including:
also see: 

Vesta is, like Juno, a minor body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Vesta was a goddess who ruled over the sacred hearth fire, the center of the Roman home. She was the protector of the home. Her priestesses were ritual virgins who gave up their procreative rights for a standing within society that was beyond what they would conventionally have, but a place won through service.
Here in lies the key to the meaning of this so-called minor body. Vesta rules over how we can gain personal fulfillment, and indeed personal power, by setting aside our personal ambitions in favor of bigger humanitarian and social goals. More-over she rules over how we may gain from giving.
A Well-balanced Juno is a great thing indeed. It does not sacrifice who we are but rather allows us to overcome our personal tribulations through service. 
She allows us to transcend our subjective struggles, but in doing so overcome them. Vesta represents, in many ways, one of the great foundations of a happy life. For just as the Buddha we may find ourselves with everything and realize it is worth nothing. It is our connection to others that we will remember in the end and celebrate most.
“When I make time for others out of love given freely, I find what I need out of love freely given”
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
Enter the Contest for a free personal Astrology Reading

Friday, May 27, 2011

Neptune and Jupiter: Openning to New Dreams

Neptune and Jupiter: Opening to New Dreams

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
  Enter the Contest for a free personal Astrology Reading 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Got A Question About Astrology or Metaphysics?

If there is a subject or general question you would like addressed on this blog write me at: rebelastrology@gmail.com.  At the end of each month I will chose the best subject/question featured (by the number of people who like the post on Stumble!) the winner will get a free 1 hour astrology Session on the subject of your choice.  Your choice by instant messenger video call (on Skype), in person (in Portland Oregon) or by phone (In the United States).  I can't wait to hear from you!  Remember the more stumble thumbs up the article gets the closer you get to a free Session!  Good Luck!

Subjects chosen for blog will be chosen by me.  For the purposes of the contest articles will be chosen based on the month of the appearance of the blog, winners must claim prize within 2 months of decision. Winners will be informed by email. any blogs posted at the end of May will count for the Month of June.

On Meditation

Astrology is one technique used for keeping in touch with the natural vibrations of our lives.  It is better to use astrology to get in touch, but use our internal intuition to keep in touch.  More than any reading of a chart, more than what any book can say, more than anything else, our first guide should always be what we feel in our hearts.  Information is good, and the mind is great at devising how to do things, but ultimately our hearts speak to the greatest questions of why we do them, which gives it the predominance over any simple tool to be wielded by the mind.
Astrology at its best is a tool of the mind coupled with intuition which is the voice of our spirit.  But before anything we must center ourselves in ourselves.  ultimately we need to be centered and in contact with our internal "why's" or no answer can ever really be helpful.
Find a quiet space.  Sit.  Close your eyes.  Some people concentrate on their slow deliberate breath.  Some people play soft music, some people prefer silence.  But as a thought enters your head dismiss it.  Find this quiet peace every day.  The Voice of spirit can seem very quiet.  But it is underneath everything.  When we are silent we hear it best.  It has been said that prayer is speaking to spirit, but meditation is listenning to it.
This is a sacred conversation.  It is a great thing to begin every day by listening to the universe speak within you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


There is no torture setting on the Universe,
If there is dicomfort in your life, it is simply an impetus to examine:
Are you living in accordance with what you really want?
Do you believe with all of your heart that you are worthy of joy honestly without exception? (you are!)
Are you longing to learn more, experience more than you are allowing yourself to?
Seriously your true joy lies within your healthiest space, Your true joy necessitates a wholehearted understanding that you are fully worthy of your true joy.  That means there is no need for deception, there is only love.
All vibrations reflected in the stars exist only to keep us aligned to the pursuit and understanding of where your true joy is.  Because the natural state of the universe is expansion and expression, and no matter what you do you CANNOT help but be a reflection of the universe.  When you stand in your own way, it hurts.

Juno: Expecting what we deserve, Equality and Respect in Relationships

 1st article in a series on the objects of the asteroid belt, considered minor bodies but objects that center around issues very crucial to our personal lives
Other asteroid belt objects discussed:

Many people quite familiar with astrology may never have considered Juno. Juno is a fairly small body, one of many asteroids in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. In astrology too, Juno has often been considered to be a minor body. This would probably be due to the very specific territory she covers: how we negotiate power to our personal relationships.
On a large scale of predictive astrology this may seem minor, but within the focus of Human experience this becomes quite powerful.

Who was the goddess Juno? She was the Queen of Olympus, Wife of Jupiter, Mother of Mars among others. She ruled Commerce Bureaucracy and civil institutions, most notably marriage.

Remember what commerce was like in the age of Rome and Greece. When one went to the market it was a direct negotiation of haggling. Two people meeting to try to get their needs met in an informal negotiation.

Juno talks to us about how much we are willing to give up any relationship, but most commonly causes its most marked human consequences in the arena of romance and marriage.
When in tune and well balanced our Juno allows us to ask for our needs, respect other peoples needs, maintain our relationships, avoid relationships in which we sacrifice too much or likewise make too many demands upon. A healthy relationship with Juno means that we remain whole and equal partners with whole and equal partners.

Affirmation for a Healthy Juno:
I deserve and give equality to my romantic partners, and every partner I co-exist with. I am worthy of interactions in which I receive what I need honestly and freely, and give what my partner needs honestly and freely. As we are all worthy of these things there need never be a competition, and the opportunities for compatibility are many, thus I can expect that much from my human relationships.

A Session with a professional astrologer can be beneficial in the exploration of issues of Juno in a personal chart (and a personal life)
Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email: rebelastrologer@gmail.com

follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We Cannot Help but Grow

Big Accomplishments come from small successes.  Small Successes come from small attempts.  There is success in every moment, it may just be thinking a more positive thought.  This is the basis for the engine of creation.
for more in this vain read about the planet Jupiter.

The Eternal River of Self: Progress and Progression is the Story of the Expansive Spirit, the Whole Self That We Are

I am a whole person, a soul out of time for all that I grow my spirit is timeless. For all that I change I know that my spirit endures timeless in the nature of infinite love and eternal expansion.

Above the door to the temple of the Oracle at Delphi was scrawled some simple words that echo through the ages and to the core of understanding: “Know Thy Self.” This is something that surely cannot be overstated. When viewed from a modern perspective this can be a dangerous subject indeed. The most important thing we must consider when we look at this apparently simple statement is: what do we mean by self. In truth the ego-identity, what most modern thinkers think of as the self, is just a very small, and truly temporary piece of what the Self referred to on that hallowed temple referred to. 

The ego identity is a set of tools, and concepts. The self-image, a set of expectations, and a set of for lack of a better word personality tools and predispositions, which while very important in terms of their usefulness, not the sum total of the eternal self, nor by any means permanent. It is not permanent in this life, and certainly not when we look at the eternal scope of the self.

It is with this understanding that we look to the understanding of the necessity of growth adaptation and learning within the scope of the self. In astrology we turn toward something we call a progression to work with these concepts. The year does not stay on the same day, and planets continually move through the sky. So too the person is a constantly flowing adapting expanding and changing cycle, just as the Universe from which it manifests and which it reflects on all levels. 

The first tool that an astrologer uses when addressing a person is the birth chart. This is really a sort of “snap-shot” of where a persons attitudes and personal “tool-kit” is at the moment they came into this world. It will reflect energies, circumstances and challenges that exist in general for a persons life. The birth chart sets a stage. But when we over-define ourselves we tend to latch on to those default settings. This exacerbates challenges and deprives us of growth, causing at best a growing listlessness, and lack of fulfillment, at worst that horrible feeling of beating our heads against the wall over the same things over and over again. We are not stagnant creatures. Fate is the default setting on the machine, and if we truly want to get everything we want out of our lives an effort to customize our lives and continue change and growth is key.

Any large difficulty in life may be alleviated by the simple act of Growing forward. When we are in tune with the natural flow of the universe we do this all the time. Sometimes we get into a place where we push against this natural flow, and when we do the result is in one way or another painful. This is not the Universe punishing us, its simply not listening to the messages of our whole self, which invariably wants to grow and expand!
In astrology we look to a concept called a progression. This means that every planet in our chart is slowly moving in accordance to our possible growth. The technicalities of how this may be computed is that if you have been alive for one year your “progressed” chart resembles a natal chart drawn up for someone born exactly 1 day after you. If you are 20 years old, 20 days older than you. This means that when it comes to your solar “sign” by the age of 30 your progressed chart will reflect a sun positioned in the next sign in the year from your natal chart. Does this mean that you lose the ability to apprehend the world from the perspective of your natal sign? Absolutely not! (nor should it) I t simply means that if you have been engaged actively in life and growing you will have gained access to these energies, these useful tools of being, and have an active choice in what you can turn to!

More-over the great news is that we do not have to wait (and in fact we should constantly be striving) toward this natural growth! The more skills we have under our belts the more able we are to get the most out of our lives! This is true of every placement in our charts. But let's look at the Sun sign, (what most people mean when they say, “what's your sign”)

If you were born an Aries, you are progressing into Taurus (after which Gemini, and if graced with a particularly long life Gemini), Taurus to Gemini, Gemini to Cancer and so on. Difficulties ( or what we perceive as difficulties) in life are quite commonly simply the places in which our higher selves are actively trying to goad us into growth! When we head these calls and grow into this next possible energetic tool we grow and not only does discomfort go away we find ourselves with greater access to the power that is our selves!

One tool we can use to grow is an affirmation! In terms of a Solar progression here is a set of simple affirmations geared to helping that growth from one sign to another. If you personally feel that you have mastered the movement into the next sign (because the affirmation seems so) you should try the next affirmation on the list (if yours is the last, return to the top of the list, its a cycle just like the year!)
If you were born on a cusp, then it is most useful to begin with the later of the two signs.

If you were born with a Sun in:

March 22-April 22 
(progressing into Taurus)
I am fearless enough to enjoy the process of life and to take my time.

April 22-May 22
(progressing into Gemini)
I am comfortable and stable enough to entertain and embrace varied and exotic ideas and social interactions.

May 22-June 22
(Progressing into Cancer)
I have the wit and flexibility to examine the depth of feelings and vulnerability and provide emotional support for others.

June 22-July 22 
(into Leo)
I have the emotional care for others and myself to play and allow myself center stage.

July 22-Aug. 22 
(into Virgo)
I have the charisma and light heart to find focus pay attention to detail and take a supporting role.

Aug. 22-Sept. 22
(into Libra)
I have the discipline and intellectual prowess to negotiate, compromise and explore social settings.

Sept. 22-Oct. 22
(into Scorpios)
I have the Social skill and tact to find and demand my personal needs and own my personal power.

Oct. 22-Nov. 22
(into Sagittarius)
I have the strength in my own power to experience new ideas and open to adventure.

Nov. 22-Dec. 22 
(Into Capricorn)
I have the freedom and openness to make plans and find order.

Dec. 22-Jan. 22 
(Into Aquarius)
I have the certainty and stability to redefine the world and find new answers.

Jan. 22-Feb. 22 
(Into Pisces)
I have the reason and creativity to find a spiritual depth and open to the nature of wordless truths and answer-less questions.

Feb. 22-March 22 
(Into Aries)
I have the openness and spiritual depth to embrace my identity and ask for what I want in life.

And for us all:
I am a whole person, a soul out of time for all that I grow my spirit is timeless. For all that I change I know that my spirit endures timeless in the nature of infinite love and eternal expansion.

A full professional consultation with your Rebel Astrologer can help you find strategies on more ways to leverage growth and progression to your bennefit in more precise and wonderful ways!
Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com

follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Monday, May 23, 2011

Affirmation for a Balanced Saturn: Overcoming Inertia and Empowering Growth

I move forward, one step at a time.
I find the next better place to be, and I go there.
If I am not sure where I will end up, It is of no concern,
Because I choose my steps for the better
Because I choose my steps with integrity
With a sureness of direction
I may not know where I want to end up
But I need not concern myself with that, as I know I am going somewhere better than I am
and there is no end to the journey of spirit,
there is just one step at a time,
and a grand horizon.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Affirmation For Chiron Neptune Conjunction

I am a whole being outside of time: I love the self I have been: s/he has taught me so much! I love the Self I am: S/He creates and is my greatest teacher! I love the self I will be s/he is a great pupil and a master at creation!
Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Chiron Bridging Past to Future: the Freeing of Forethought

It is the time to yell, “I shall give the world what I long for! I shall build the future I wanted the past to have been!”
 This is the fifth installment in a series looking in depth at the outer planets all playing significant roles in challenging aspects over this summer. This series is not intended to justify difficulties but to give insight in putting these often challenging issues to work for greater fulfillment and a happier life.
I release the sorrows of past and limitations of present into a greater understanding of the future that I usher in. I stand as a bridge between experience and a coming world. I stand on the edge of twilight marrying the night unto the Dawn.
Chiron is the most used member of a series of planetary bodies (never actually considered astronomically a planet) called Centaurs. The centaurs have radically unusual orbits, crossing the orbital paths of multiple planets. In this Centaurs represent a sort of “bridge” between the energetic vibrations of the planets they cross.
Chiron takes on particular significance right now because it crosses the paths of Uranus (revolutionary change, I deals, the march of progress, opening to new ideas) and Saturn (limitations, order, economics, the law), which are playing in a shoving contest in opposition all summer.
Chiron was the most civilized of the Centaurs in mythology. A son of Saturn himself, Chiron was able, unlike his fellow Centaurs, to control his wild nature and became a great teacher and healer, and was the Mentor of the Hero Hercules. Chiron, as the son of Saturn was an immortal who could not die. When Chiron was smote with a poison arrow, he was doomed to suffer the pangs of death eternally. He willingly took the place of Prometheus, who was chained to a rock and his liver devoured daily. Prometheus had been consigned that fate for saving humanity by giving them fire.
Prometheus literally translates as fore-thought.
Thus the understanding of the energy of Chiron is that he takes the limitations of Saturn, our personal pains, and transmutes them into understanding, therefore freeing forethought and extending that understanding to the big picture.
When the mother of a murdered child creates a movement to protect children she is activating Chiron, thus bridging the gap between Saturn and Uranus, bringing the lessons of the past into the future, transmuting a pain into a positive.
Chiron represents more than any other body the ability to translate experience into positive choice.
Now is the time to turn pain into progress, not by dwelling on the pain, but simply on building the solutions, by understanding what hurts. 

It is the time to yell, “I shall give the world what I long for! I shall build the future I wanted the past to have been!”

I release the sorrows of past and limitations of present into a greater understanding of the future that I usher in. I stand as a bridge between experience and a coming world. I stand on the edge of twilight marrying the night unto the Dawn.

Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Monday, May 16, 2011

Neptune: The Depths of Mystery, The Voyage of the Spirit

“I release the need to control the uncontrollable and embrace the mystery of the depth of my experience rejoicing in the unknowable.”
This is the fourth installment in a series looking in depth at the outer planets all playing significant roles in challenging aspects over this summer. This series is not intended to justify difficulties but to give insight in putting these often challenging issues to work for greater fulfillment and a happier life.
To add depth to this experience try the guided path-working for Neptune:
In the Roman Neptune was a god of irrigation, in the Greek he was Poseidon lord of the depths of the sea. Like His Brothers Zeus and Hades (Jupiter and Pluto) he was seen to rule his own distinct realm. The realm of Neptune is fluid dissolving and mysterious, as would be expected. If we seek concrete answers from Neptune we will be frustrated. Rather Neptune's message is one of faith and a sense of general direction. Neptune's message is one of remaining loose and open, and surrender to the flow of the universe. The harder we try to grasp Neptune in a conclusive way the more it will seem a frustration rather than the miraculous force it should be.

Neptune is a creature of capital M mystery, not a riddle, but that which by its nature defies concrete explanation.

The Mathematician Kurt Gödel proved that there were in fact things, that while true could be proven by no logical system. What's more he went on to prove that there was no way to logically ascertain which true things those were.

This is the confounding world of Neptunian vibrations. Our only healthy recourse in such a mysterious terrain is to listen to the depth of our own hearts plotting a course through the nebulous regions, with faith in our own divine intuition, and the right and basic goodness of our own inner selves. Out of balance with our Neptunian natures we try to define the undefinable, this may leave us in a great deal of despair. But fear not, and relax, our deep self is equipped for even this, and in fact it is from this strange realm that some of the greatest experience of life itself originates.

Follow the muse of Neptune, embrace the unknowable nature of your heart, set sail with the beacon of your internal star, and sail through the deep romantic waters of your soul.

“I release the need to control the uncontrollable and embrace the mystery of the depth of my experience rejoicing in the unknowable.”
Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Thursday, May 12, 2011

You Know You Like Us...

Mary Lynne Spiegal of Gainsborough NY Liked us, followed us and passed us on to her friends and 3 days later won the Lottery!  John Clemente did not, and his puppy ran away!  but then he did and the puppy came back with a $50 bill!
Don't break the Chain!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Saturn: Ever Present Present of the Present, The Power of the Here and Now

I enjoy growing into my life in every moment, feeling fully Joyful in the now I embrace moving forward deliberately into the next moment in constant awareness of deep appreciation and the joy of Living.
This is the third installment in a series looking in depth at the outer planets all playing significant roles in challenging aspects over this summer. (although Saturn is technically directly the Border between inner and outer planets, holding the boundary) This series is not intended to justify difficulties but to give insight in putting these often challenging issues to work for greater fulfillment and a happier life.

Saturn holds the line, sets the barriers and can sometimes seem like the big umpire in the sky. Only, instead of a whistle he's got a jailer's keys and the reaper's sickle. On the other hand, if that's how your feeling for goodness sake stop it! Let me explain this much maligned but beautiful, useful and important energy!
In the beginning there was Gaia and Uranus, Earth mother and sky father. Uranus was the father of the Titans, youngest of which was Kronos  (in the Latin Saturn). Uranus imprisoned his children in the bowels of Gaia (earth) causing her great suffering. Saturn was given a spear made of napped flint, by his mother Gaia, and with it castrated his father (You think teen-agers these days are a handful?), and by very old standards of kingship deposed him, and assuming the role of kingship (I guess they felt that when it came to pricks, you had one to be the biggest one). Saturn takes the limitless possibilities of the original creation of father sky and tames them by giving us an order within to create, and a structure to reason and live. Saturn sets the boundaries. In astrology Saturn has traditionally been viewed as a fairly negative force. This is largely because the themes of Saturn, when out of alignment in our lives can instigate painful circumstances. Let us be clear however, there is no vibration in the universe that is not good needed and natural. And like in day to day life, if it hurts, it means your doing it wrong.  (IE Take your hand off the burner fool!)  It is completely our reaction to it that can cause us grief.
Saturn tells us where our boundaries are. When we have harmony in our Saturn we hold ourselves to what we want, what is healthy for us, IE our hearts desire. When we have harmony with Saturn we learn to move step by step building what we wish at a pace that allows us to get what we want.
Out of balance Saturn makes all things feel like work, like heavy burdens, or like huge scary risks. He can cause us fear (because we are not listening to our own needs).
Saturn is NOT a signal that there is a lacking, or not enough. Though again when we do not heed our needs or strive for what we really want the result may well mean that Saturn steps in and makes us feel the pains of Lack. (One may be obese and malnourished with a wealth of "Twinkies" for example).

So how do we keep Our Saturnal selves happy? Saturn is not a hard character to figure out. Saturn asks for a step by step approach to life. Saturn is also the God of time, past and present. When our past gangs up on us and seems to overcome us, when the idea of our future seems overwhelming, it may be the first indication that we are getting out of alignment with our Saturn nature. The first message of a healthy Saturn is to enjoy the now, keep very present. Allow Saturn to keep the past for us, trust him to hold the distant future. The next message is to embrace the next step. It can be hard to know where we ultimately want to go, or even if we do, it may be overwhelming to think about. The message here is the old saying “ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” While the long haul may be out of sight we can always know the best place to stand next. There is no need to worry beyond that. The final message of Saturn is set your boundaries. What are you doing out of obligation that your heart is not in or is not serving your higher purpose. Here's a hint if it serves your higher purpose it feels good. No joke.

I enjoy growing into my life in every moment, feeling fully Joyful in the now I embrace moving forward deliberately into the next moment in constant awareness of deep appreciation and the joy of Living.
Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cement your Astrological Street Cred

Like us on FaceBook at: Rebel Astrology
Follow us on Twitter at: @rebelastrologer
Remember: Its what all the cool kids are doing!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fickle Fingers and the Fantastic False Fascination of FATE-al-ism

All sacred cows must be tipped eventually by iconoclastic rednecks! Remember the hand of Fate is grand and unknowable, but the most fickle finger of fate is your own. Why would you choose to do anything but wiggle it till it feels good?
 Does life happen to you or do you happen to life? Nature or Nurture? Truth or Consequences? These are among the fascinating ramblings of the human mind.
At the end of the day what is the answer. Its simpler than you may think. The Answer is Yes, no, doesn't matter. But I implore you to ask a more important set of questions. What do you want? What is more likely to get you there?
Seriously its not that hard. If you enter into life presuming that it happens to you, then your chances of getting anything that you really want (and for that matter the chances of getting out of bed in the morning) are severely diminished. There is a persistent illusion that “realism” pragmatism and moderateness are in fact the same notion. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Let me explain. The realist looks at the reality as his senses perceive them and in accordance to the “best” information available and assesses reality. The fatal flaw in this approach is that the information may well be improved and while this information may have limited usefulness, it is essentially information about the now not about the future. Even with something like predictive astrology we may predict vibrations (energetic influences) but the manifestation of these influences is largely a choice. More than that the way we respond or interpret even the manifestations can wildly effect the outcome at least from a personal point of view.
On the other hand the moderate viewpoint is the view that if one simply finds the middle ground between poles, or finds the most common view (which is often more the reality than the earlier as our perception of the middle is largely a reaction to our perception of the views of others). The problem with this is pretty obvious upon examination. Sometimes there is a third idea, or a fourth, fifth or sixth that may be a better choice. Also relying on an outside judgment (even a reaction to one) is a fairly faulty basis to consider anything.
Pragmatism is simply a point of view that is most likely to do the best possible outcome of those available at this moment. In the universe all possibilities happen, but that does not mean you can get there from here. The trick is to examine the next possible moment and chose the better one. Done often enough we may find ourselves walking a path high over the rainbow!
Fate is a simple excuse to not try to be happy, pragmatism may be at any moment an extreme radical act. Rebellion is the act of self liberation in pursuit of bliss love and human-goodness. What true liberation demands is a mindset and decisions made from the point of view that is most useful for empowering the person in the now, recognizing that all things are fluid and this mindset will change!
All sacred cows must be tipped eventually by iconoclastic rednecks! Remember the hand of Fate is grand and unknowable, but the most fickle finger of fate is your own. Why would you choose to do anything but wiggle it till it feels good?
For more in a similar vain check out the article on Jupiter.
Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wild Rides New Experiences, Are you ready to Embrace Uranus?

This is the second installment in a series looking in depth at the outer planets all playing significant roles in challenging aspects over this summer. This series is not intended to justify difficulties but to give insight in putting these often challenging issues to work for greater fulfillment and a happier life.

I set my vision on a new world without expectation. I get there with one step in front of the other. I get there with love and care for this earth and all her peoples human and non-human, individual and in groups.

Uranus was the great father sky, king before Saturn, before Jupiter. Uranus represents absolute newness and originality. As Uranus has come into a prominent position (at this point opposing Saturn and squaring Pluto- which in turn Square each other) Uranus brings a revolutionary flare, an openness to a new world to new possibilities. Uranus brings revolutions within and without, an aspiration to the clearheaded view of our highest ideals and a clearheaded assessment of where we fall short of them. 

When we do not accept and embrace the forces of Uranus life can seem to involve ground shaking chaotic change. This is Uranus reminding us to let go of expectation, to surge into true growth. Uranus rules Aquarius and brings fresh air in quantity.

Uranus' vibration on the other hand is supremely impersonal, and when he is strong, we must remind ourselves to pay close attention to the interpersonal day to day on the ground human contact emotional connection that ultimately is the real power behind the progress that leads to the vision of Uranus. It is not enough to see the great ideal future, if we cannot grow it with real human connections we fall to Uranus' fate. For this first king had imprisoned great monsters in the bowels of the earth mother Gaia causing her to spasm in pain. Her son Saturn deposed his father by castrating him.

In this lies part of the key to understanding Uranus in our lives. These new ideals are great, but without some form of order Uranus' new worlds move far too fast to consider the fallout on the individual and the earth. It is through Saturn's limits that Uranus' force may be kept in balance and moving healthfully forward.

I set my vision on a new world without expectation. I get there with one step in front of the other. I get there with love and care for this earth and all her peoples human and non-human, individual and in groups.
Appointments in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype through paypal: rebelastrologer@gmail.com
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