I am a whole person, a soul out of time for all that I grow my spirit is timeless. For all that I change I know that my spirit endures timeless in the nature of infinite love and eternal expansion.
Above the door to the temple of the Oracle at Delphi was scrawled some simple words that echo through the ages and to the core of understanding: “Know Thy Self.” This is something that surely cannot be overstated. When viewed from a modern perspective this can be a dangerous subject indeed. The most important thing we must consider when we look at this apparently simple statement is: what do we mean by self. In truth the ego-identity, what most modern thinkers think of as the self, is just a very small, and truly temporary piece of what the Self referred to on that hallowed temple referred to.
The ego identity is a set of tools, and concepts. The self-image, a set of expectations, and a set of for lack of a better word personality tools and predispositions, which while very important in terms of their usefulness, not the sum total of the eternal self, nor by any means permanent. It is not permanent in this life, and certainly not when we look at the eternal scope of the self.
It is with this understanding that we look to the understanding of the necessity of growth adaptation and learning within the scope of the self. In astrology we turn toward something we call a progression to work with these concepts. The year does not stay on the same day, and planets continually move through the sky. So too the person is a constantly flowing adapting expanding and changing cycle, just as the Universe from which it manifests and which it reflects on all levels.
The first tool that an astrologer uses when addressing a person is the birth chart. This is really a sort of “snap-shot” of where a persons attitudes and personal “tool-kit” is at the moment they came into this world. It will reflect energies, circumstances and challenges that exist in general for a persons life. The birth chart sets a stage. But when we over-define ourselves we tend to latch on to those default settings. This exacerbates challenges and deprives us of growth, causing at best a growing listlessness, and lack of fulfillment, at worst that horrible feeling of beating our heads against the wall over the same things over and over again. We are not stagnant creatures. Fate is the default setting on the machine, and if we truly want to get everything we want out of our lives an effort to customize our lives and continue change and growth is key.
Any large difficulty in life may be alleviated by the simple act of Growing forward. When we are in tune with the natural flow of the universe we do this all the time. Sometimes we get into a place where we push against this natural flow, and when we do the result is in one way or another painful. This is not the Universe punishing us, its simply not listening to the messages of our whole self, which invariably wants to grow and expand!
In astrology we look to a concept called a progression. This means that every planet in our chart is slowly moving in accordance to our possible growth. The technicalities of how this may be computed is that if you have been alive for one year your “progressed” chart resembles a natal chart drawn up for someone born exactly 1 day after you. If you are 20 years old, 20 days older than you. This means that when it comes to your solar “sign” by the age of 30 your progressed chart will reflect a sun positioned in the next sign in the year from your natal chart. Does this mean that you lose the ability to apprehend the world from the perspective of your natal sign? Absolutely not! (nor should it) I t simply means that if you have been engaged actively in life and growing you will have gained access to these energies, these useful tools of being, and have an active choice in what you can turn to!
More-over the great news is that we do not have to wait (and in fact we should constantly be striving) toward this natural growth! The more skills we have under our belts the more able we are to get the most out of our lives! This is true of every placement in our charts. But let's look at the Sun sign, (what most people mean when they say, “what's your sign”)
If you were born an Aries, you are progressing into Taurus (after which Gemini, and if graced with a particularly long life Gemini), Taurus to Gemini, Gemini to Cancer and so on. Difficulties ( or what we perceive as difficulties) in life are quite commonly simply the places in which our higher selves are actively trying to goad us into growth! When we head these calls and grow into this next possible energetic tool we grow and not only does discomfort go away we find ourselves with greater access to the power that is our selves!
One tool we can use to grow is an affirmation! In terms of a Solar progression here is a set of simple affirmations geared to helping that growth from one sign to another. If you personally feel that you have mastered the movement into the next sign (because the affirmation seems so) you should try the next affirmation on the list (if yours is the last, return to the top of the list, its a cycle just like the year!)
If you were born on a cusp, then it is most useful to begin with the later of the two signs.
If you were born with a Sun in:
March 22-April 22
(progressing into Taurus)
I am fearless enough to enjoy the process of life and to take my time.
April 22-May 22
(progressing into Gemini)
I am comfortable and stable enough to entertain and embrace varied and exotic ideas and social interactions.
May 22-June 22
(Progressing into Cancer)
I have the wit and flexibility to examine the depth of feelings and vulnerability and provide emotional support for others.
June 22-July 22
(into Leo)
I have the emotional care for others and myself to play and allow myself center stage.
July 22-Aug. 22
(into Virgo)
I have the charisma and light heart to find focus pay attention to detail and take a supporting role.
Aug. 22-Sept. 22
(into Libra)
I have the discipline and intellectual prowess to negotiate, compromise and explore social settings.
Sept. 22-Oct. 22
(into Scorpios)
I have the Social skill and tact to find and demand my personal needs and own my personal power.
Oct. 22-Nov. 22
(into Sagittarius)
I have the strength in my own power to experience new ideas and open to adventure.
Nov. 22-Dec. 22
(Into Capricorn)
I have the freedom and openness to make plans and find order.
Dec. 22-Jan. 22
(Into Aquarius)
I have the certainty and stability to redefine the world and find new answers.
Jan. 22-Feb. 22
(Into Pisces)
I have the reason and creativity to find a spiritual depth and open to the nature of wordless truths and answer-less questions.
Feb. 22-March 22
(Into Aries)
I have the openness and spiritual depth to embrace my identity and ask for what I want in life.
And for us all:
I am a whole person, a soul out of time for all that I grow my spirit is timeless. For all that I change I know that my spirit endures timeless in the nature of infinite love and eternal expansion.
A full professional consultation with your Rebel Astrologer can help you find strategies on more ways to leverage growth and progression to your bennefit in more precise and wonderful ways!
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