Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to Rebel-Astrologize

Freedom begins with the heart.  Changes the mind.  Reinvents our families, and relationships. These new relationships challenge society, which changes and becomes something new something greater, something more loving more open more free.  In the face of a new society, built from the individual through direct human social relationships, political systems are without effect, when the ground moves the tower must bend, or fall. This is the idea behind Rebel Astrology.  Giving people access to the tools of their joy, opening them up to their internal sense of source.  Connecting inward is connecting to the divine spark in the heart of everyone-it is quite simply who we are.  Freedom and love are the nature of the universe itself, when we bring all parts of our lives into that alignment we move our world closer into alignment and we are the future we desire.

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