Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Transform your Life through Self Awareness and Integrity (Jupiter-Neptune Sextil/ Grand Cardinal Cross)

Q: Sun-Cancer, Uranus-Aries, Pluto-Capricorn, Saturn-Libra? 
R: Sun-Cancer, Jupiter-Taurus, Neptune-Pisces, Pluto-Capricorn
SO we got this CRAZY Cardinal cross weighing on us?  The trick?  Remember the Neptune Jupiter sextil I may have mentioned (like 5000 times... are you even listening?) Well, Really its that interaction I suggest you begin with.  Neptune in its own house of Pisces speaks as earnestly and truly of a transcendental experience of letting go of expectation and embracing spiritual non-physical values.  Jupiter in Taurus speaks of an expectation of slow comfortable optimism and expansion, establishing growth one step at a time.  When these sextil, we look to spiritual values to lead our slow building growth!  

From this focus we may key into 2 other important sextils.  1st is a Jupiter Taurus Sextil to the Sun in Cancer.  If we pay attention to our self intent toward building nurturing relationships that encourage growth of a parental or mentoring nature, we can use this to build off of the previously mentioned Jupiterian Taurus slow steady reliable optimism and expansion!  

Then we can utilize the Neptune Pluto trine which speaks to seeking a spiritual value to reset power relations in work business and practical life!  The key to all of this?  Clearness with self which becomes clearness with others, and vice verso.  You see honestly and self awareness are a building process!  It is often not easy to be honest because we are not self aware, and hard to be self aware because we are not honest.  

But when we make a small step one way or the other it will free us to find a bit of truth on the other side.  Step by step we grow our integrity and the clarity of our intention.  We thus claim our power, and become clear in what we want.  With commitment to this process things tend to build exponentially!

When we become clear in what we want, and step away from what we don't, our worthiness becomes easier to be aware of, and this allows us to expect things in direct clear honest ways... moreover it makes us ONLY want them like that.  

When we can know that what we want the universe wants to give us, that is high high holy magick!  Right now it is time to balance our internal (Jupiter and Neptune) spiritually, because these 2 are poised to do it if we merely put a little effort to listening.  That balance may be pulled to balance self identity (the Sun) and Power relations (Pluto), under this great positive energetic force, bringing a sort of cosmic harmony to the moment, will allow us to begin to get an understanding of the lessons of the Cardinal cross, and allow it to be a good thing, and the transformational impetus it should be!
"I take a step toward integrity, which gives me a view of more self awareness.  I take a step toward self awareness which allows me to take a step toward integrity.  As I know more of who I am and what I want, and accept that all that I want is only valuable to me when i get it honorably and honestly, I embrace my worthiness before and as part of the universe, and manifestation flows through me from the font of creation!"

For More Reading on:



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