This Article Dedicated In Memoriam: Good Journey Girl
For the better doesn't mean perfect, because in so many ways we have begun our journey out of step, because of past choices, the choices of our ancestors, the choices of our greater society. Each of us makes a choice every second to step closer to alignment or remain further out of step(or step even further away). Never doubt every second we may open more to the call of spirit, to the great dance of the Universe.
Being in alignment is the act of moving in the right direction, not being at the right conclusion. Conclusions are for worlds that conclude, and this ain't one of those! And it is simply the act of:
- Being confident not in our ability to do anything right now, but in our ability to learn anything, adapt to anything, and our basic worthiness as part of and children of the universe. As well as our ability to accomplish anything eventually, in small steps.
- Opening our hearts and being aware of our basic sensitivities at all times, making adjustments when needed to our course this is in terms of both our sensitivities to ourselves and others. We can not feel the optimum of our joy while others suffer for we either notice their suffering and it hurts or we shield ourselves from our emotional connection to life.
- We focus not on what we do not want, our irritations, but rather on the process of building what we do.
- Follow Your Bliss (thank you Joseph Campbell!)
In times like these, particularly when there are powerful hard aspects in play (and their ain't no harder set of aspects than a grand cross), if we cannot "ease-up" on ourselves, loosen up to knew possibilities and remain agile to new influences it will not be fun. This is because a hard aspect is a natural motivator. It represents a strong directional push in the flow of the universe. It behooves us to be ready to ride such a flow, because to fight the tides of creation is not just foolish, but pretty masochistic. Plus when we focus in this way, we can make the best out of the where we are. Remember the act of despair means we are focusing our intent poorly.
We are all doing the best we can with the place we are in all the time. Sometimes we find ourselves so lost and out of tune with our own hearts that something drastic must occur to get us back on track. Under the influence of a Grand Cardinal Cross especially one involving multiple outer planets (such as... oh right now) is when such things are most likely to occur, because the tide is so strong, that things not flowing for whatever reason are generally ripped apart.
This my friends is the time of our lives. This is the time we've been waiting for. Either ride the wave fearlessly, or go under it. Last night a dear friend took drastic action to come back in alignment with the universe in a very absolute way. For those having a hard time please consider taking it one step at a time, and finding ways to adapt to flow, or just to find a moment of joy, or help or love from another- heck email me.
No matter how hopeless it feels there is always a way, and a better place is always in reach, even if the better place is just a phone call, feeling slightly less bad, or indulging a distraction. We feel good by feeling a bit better after a bit better. The Universe holds infinite love for each of us!
I have faith that she has found the healing she needed, and for that I am supremely thankful. And as for the rest of us, seriously guys open up, loosen up, and step to the better, one step at a time!
There is abundant Love for everyone, given freely, given equally, and in step with all beauty, and all of the Universe.
Love People, Love.