Thursday, June 30, 2011

Grand Cross to Bear: Manifestation Healing and Hope

In Memorium SpiralHeart
This Article Dedicated In Memoriam: Good Journey Girl

I spend a lot of time in this forum focusing on the positive, trying to point people to the possibilities (IE alignment with the universe) that any given astrological situation may present.  This is never to imply that many of these vibrations that we are discussing don't have the potential to cause large amounts of discomfort.  It just means that there is always a way to be in alignment with the universe, and when you are, all things are for the better.

For the better doesn't mean perfect, because in so many ways we have begun our journey out of step, because of past choices, the choices of our ancestors, the choices of our greater society.  Each of us makes a choice every second to step closer to alignment or remain further out of step(or step even further away).  Never doubt every second we may open more to the call of spirit, to the great dance of the Universe.

Being in alignment is the act of moving in the right direction, not being at the right conclusion. Conclusions are for worlds that conclude, and this ain't one of those! And it is simply the act of:

  1. Being confident not in our ability to do anything right now, but in our ability to learn anything, adapt to anything, and our basic worthiness as part of and children of the universe. As well as our ability to accomplish anything eventually, in small steps.

  2. Opening our hearts and being aware of our basic sensitivities at all times, making adjustments when needed to our course this is in terms of both our sensitivities to ourselves and others. We can not feel the optimum of our joy while others suffer for we either notice their suffering and it hurts or we shield ourselves from our emotional connection to life.

  3. We focus not on what we do not want, our irritations, but rather on the process of building what we do.

  4. Follow Your Bliss (thank you Joseph Campbell!)

In times like these, particularly when there are powerful hard aspects in play (and their ain't no harder set of aspects than a grand cross), if we cannot "ease-up" on ourselves, loosen up to knew possibilities and remain agile to new influences it will not be fun.  This is because a hard aspect is a natural motivator.  It represents a strong directional push in the flow of the universe.  It behooves us to be ready to ride such a flow, because to fight the tides of creation is not just foolish, but pretty masochistic.  Plus when we focus in this way, we can make the best out of the where we are. Remember the act of despair means we are focusing our intent poorly.

We are all doing the best we can with the place we are in all the time.  Sometimes we find ourselves so lost and out of tune with our own hearts that something drastic must occur to get us back on track.  Under the influence of a Grand Cardinal Cross especially one involving multiple outer planets (such as... oh right now)  is when such things are most likely to occur, because the tide is so strong, that things not flowing for whatever reason are generally ripped apart.

This my friends is the time of our lives.  This is the time we've been waiting for.  Either ride the wave fearlessly, or go under it.  Last night a dear friend took drastic action to come back in alignment with the universe in a very absolute way.  For those having a hard time please consider taking it one step at a time, and finding ways to adapt to flow, or just to find a moment of joy, or help or love from another- heck email me.

No matter how hopeless it feels there is always a way, and a better place is always in reach, even if the better place is just a phone call, feeling slightly less bad, or indulging a distraction. We feel good by feeling a bit better after a bit better. The Universe holds infinite love for each of us!

I have faith that she has found the healing she needed, and for that I am supremely thankful.  And as for the rest of us, seriously guys open up, loosen up, and step to the better, one step at a time!

There is abundant Love for everyone, given freely, given equally, and in step with all beauty, and all of the Universe.

Love People, Love.                  

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chattering Monkeys: Avoiding Lunar Mercurial Loops and Manifesting our Desires

This is the third part of a series exploring the planet Mercury.  In this and following entries we discuss the way in which Mercury interact with his fellow characters in the sky.  These entries are not a discussion of a current situation in the sky, but rather are included to expand the readers understanding on the subject of astrology in general, and how it applies to creating and maintaining a happy expansive fulfilling life in general! Previous discussions on Mercury include:  More on MercuryVenus-Mercury

Understanding the balance between Sun Moon and Mercury is key to both keeping our moods in key, but also ultimately how we manifest what we want.  Because these are the 3 fastest moving bodies, they are also the 3 easiest pieces to intervene and adjust!  When mercury is out of balance with the moon we may find a great deal of self-talk that damages our mood, or even self deprecation.  Out of balance with the sun our thoughts and self expressions work against our own identities!  These things are so closely interlinked that I can not imagine discussing them apart from each other!

When we go to the universe to get what we want it is important to visualize exactly what we want.  It is important to picture it as clearly as we can, and then to feel emotionally, even physically as if we already have it.
Then it is important to hold onto the feeling while walking away from the thought.

When we focus and focus and focus on something we often actively end up pushing it away.  This is because mental focus (mercury) is in some ways designed mostly for determining what we want, and thus has a tendency to pick away at things, because it has a naturally analyzing nature (when analysis is left ungrounded it devolves into simply being critical)  When we allow the pick-pick-pick of Mercury we tend to make ourselves feel worse and worse.

The process of creation may flow comfortably like this:

First our sensitivities (moon) react to a situation we don't like, this means we're off course.  Our sun (identity) defines what we would rather have.  Our Mercury articulates ourselves and the world that we desire (articulates in all senses, both spoken, and just generally working out the specifics)  We release this to Venus who simply desires and feels the beauty of what we want, and begins its attraction to us.  Mars responds by directing our actions in alignment with what we want (if we're doing it right these things happen without thought).  Jupiter then allows us to open to it through optimism and trust that the universe provides.  Finally Saturn defines it nails it down and gives us manifestation and the responsibility of that manifestation.

When we fail to step away from the mental, the mercury of the situation, we end up doing a mercury - lunar dance in which we think and critique.  That critique leaves us thinking that we lack, which feels off course, so we critique again, and now we feel more off course than the last... this can spiral downward pretty quick, and in this process we get further and further from what we want... and its obvious because our lunar guide keeps telling us so, and our mental assessment keeps proving it, which again makes our emotions respond in kind!

When we find ourselves in this place focus on the Sun.  "I am" that is enough. Let those thoughts defuse our discomfort fear and worry.  Approach nothing when you are in the "dark spiral" because it creates nothing, and drives away what we want.  Once we feel centered in ourselves (and picturing/envisioning a bright sun filling us with light sitting at our solar plexus while breathing in and out slowly is an excellent way to do this) then we may step away from this loop.  
Since mercury has already done its job, we can just embrace how good what we want feels and how nice it feels that we are creating what we want.  This engages Venus and the process moves forward.

Intro Article for this Series on Mercury:
Mercury:Wandering Conversation, Wandering Mind 
The Follow-up Articles Deal With How Mercury Relates and Balances with Other Planets/Bodies:
Other Mercury related Stories

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Emporor's Pimpin Knew Threads: Grand Cardinal Square May Also be worked with a Uranus-Mars-Saturn Interaction

Now, Before you throw out the last 2 columns on "current" astrology. I would take a moment to let you know that this one is just a little more information, a little more dazzling strategy to get the most from this marvelous time of intense planetary magic!

The following energies are still in fact in play:
 (And so just take this as another tool to keep in your arsenal!)
Cardinal Grand Cross: The Combustion Chamber of the Engine of Creation ,

Transform your Life through Self Awareness and Integrity (Jupiter-Neptune Sextil/ Grand Cardinal Cross)

That said, I'd like to Draw your attention to Mars, who happens to be hanging nonchalantly in Gemini, and as it would so happen is Trining our Saturn (of course the Libra flank of our grand cardinal cross!)  Now a Trine is considered a soft or reasonably smooth, or naturally flowing aspect or interaction, and one that needs no assistance to activate.  

Mars and Saturn however both have a tendency toward being temperamental and making the softest situation seem like a "hard" aspect.  "Why is this?" you might ask.  Simple, because hard aspects are motivators, they push hard while soft aspects "slide" into place.  Mars on the other hand is itself the grand all-mighty "push of our charts, governing the way we pursue what we want, and therefore often associated with aggression and anger (though when mars is in balance he simply Perseus a healthy full of human desires) and Saturn almost instinctively pushes the other way, it lays down boundaries and generally holds us together!

So when these 2 mix even as a soft aspect, we are well to pay extra heed to keeping them in balance!  Saturn of course is also Opposing Uranus, and Uranus Rules over the forward march of progress, idealism, equality reform and revolution.  Uranus is a profoundly destabilizing and reinventing force, and quite frankly makes Saturn fore than a bit nervous!

But if your just riding this ride, and not paying attention, you may be missing a great opportunity.  Mars and Uranus sextil, closing the loop and leaving a door open to turn this rather challenging aspect into a new world and new understanding of what we want... which ALWAYS (when believed and embraced) leads to amazingly wonderful things!

Unlike the trine a sextil is all about the potential for 2 things to grow off of one another, and must actively be used!  

This allows us to use our social prowess, connecting to our mars and pursuing desire in a social venue.  This mediates between Uranus {Wild Rides, New Experiences, Are you ready to Embrace Uranus?} and Saturn { Saturn: Ever Present Present of the Present, The Power of the Here and Now, allowing Saturn to give and Uranus to express itself.  And the way to do this?  Why get your groove on of course.  It is all about pursuing desires socially and aggressively pursuing desires in the social arena!  

Throw in a splash of the unexpected, the eccentric, and the Groundbreaking, work the Uranus in Aries Mars in Gemini for all you can as these two energies of liberation and Pursuit (in this case in the social arena) is where the key lies!
In a word be a showman, seize the moment and tell a grand Gemini Story, Not with your words, but with your actions, make it a story of Equality and new things, the coming of openness and air and above all else do it lightly and openly without hesitation!

Doing this half-way will do!  besides why give up the full experience?

"I cast my performance on the grand stage of life in the dialog of action and the story of progress and truth.  My horizons expand and I am more than I ever thought I was!

Also if the Emperor knows he's naked, then walking through town as such may just be fun!

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
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Friday, June 24, 2011

When we find ourselves dwelling too much on happiness past, it is time to start reinventing what we want and looking for happiness present and happiness future. Right now while Neptune and Jupiter are dancing a sextil is a great time to do it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cancer: As Your Sun Returns, Consider Where You Go From Here

This is the first in a series of articles focusing on progressions and growth for each of the 12 solar signs.

As we begin the Solar stint in Cancer for the year, I want to do something that we do not take enough time to do. There are plenty of chances to read the characteristics of this sign in so many different places.  I want to look at something much more useful, I want to look at the lessons a Cancer should be learning over the course of their lives.

When I start this conversation I am, of course speaking of that laudable idea, the progression. [For more info on progressions]  A progression is simply put the natural place that the characteristics of a planet grow into.  This, of course, never implies the loss of old abilities, simply the gaining of new energetic tools in our tool belts.  This growth is of course dependent on us being active participants in our own lives!

Planets in Cancer are naturally progressing into first Leo then Virgo and eventually Libra...  The sun sign is the easiest progression to follow.  A progressed placement may be calculated beginning with the natal chart, then for every year a person has been alive you just add exactly 24 hours to the chart you are looking up (even easier, most programs and websites will also do this for you).

Since the sun moves approximately 1 degree a day and each sign has 30 degrees, one can easily estimate both the approximate natal degree and progression simply by knowing a date of birth and knowing what year it is now (other planets will actually require either fun with the ephemeris, a web sight, or astrological program).  so you assume (in the case of Cancer) the 22 of June is the 0 degree, every day after add a degree.  BOOM! you got a good estimation of the solar degree in the natal chart.

One can then take that number, subtract it from 30 and SHAZAAM! You've got the number of years till your progressed sun progresses into Leo!  (obviously this process may be generalized to any sign... but this is Cancer's time so ha-ha!)  For example lets say someone was Born on July 9th (most of the best people are).  When we count the days from the 22 of June to the 9th of July (June 22 - June 30 = 8 days + 9 days in July) we come up with the figure of 17 degrees.  Then when we subtract 17 from 30 we get 13.  Which means that a natural progression will enter into Leo at around age 13. We could then add 30 years per sign and see that it would progress into Virgo at 43, and Libra at 73.  (If the individual lived long enough this could be continued indefinitely).

It is important to understand that just because our progresses sun may be in Leo or what have you, it only implies that this is something we reasonably could have learned if we have been actively living our lives, paying attention to our hearts and engaging.

Sometimes, we define an idea of ourselves and stubbornly refuse to learn, or just become obliviouse to our hearts desire as it evolves.  Often we sink into a numb unhappiness that we are barely aware of.  The solution?  FOCUS ON YOUR PROGRESSIONS!

The first goal of every Cancer is to master the realms of Leo, after that Virgo etc etc!  Here's the trick the cycle flows in a very particular way, if we have become stagnant for too long we cannot simply jump in and try to learn an earthy constructive attention to detail coupled with a rational introspection (Virgo) if we have not first learned Leo's playful magnanimous generous stagecraft and dare I say vanity?

So in case it aint obvious always stop where you left off, and don't ever be limited by ANYTHING!  If you feel you have mastered Leo and it does not appear your progressed sign is Virgo- who cares!  The progression to my mind only marks a sort of average healthy marker... Flowing forward always lends new tools to your belt, gives you a greater reach of balance, and empowers you to do more! This is because you have a greater scope of possible tools!

SO, gentle Cancer, as we enter into your solar returns, (birthday to the uninitiated) let me offer you some thoughts!

First love everything about who you are.

Then:  Learn to feel good about taking the stage.  Learn to feel great actively requesting attention and acknowlegement, without apology (this part is hard- I know).  You deserve to be the center of attention sometimes.  Also learn to play and be less serious.  These are your first lessons, the Lesseons of Leo.

Next:  Learn to analize from a simple practical point of view.  Love the order of a straight line, and the elegence of the notion of intellectual and constructed perfection.  Embrace a focus on personal health and fitness.  Embrace speaking softly and straight to the point.  These are the lessons of Virgo.

Next:  Learn to negotiate.  Learn to plan for no winners and no losers.  Find what it means to create a good solution for the "USes" in general rather than the us and them's or the me and hims.  Learn to feel light and graceful.  These are the lessons of Libra.

If you have gotten far enough in your personal growth to need the next step after Libra, you deserve at least enough of a break to weight for the beginning of Leo and my blog on her progressions!

Good luck, great growth and much much  much Love!

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Love Without Freedom is Not Love at All: Affirmation For Sun Sextil Jupiter Sextil Neptune Sextil Pluto

Love without freedom is not love at all.  Freedom without honesty is not Freedom.  Honesty without self awareness is Surely a deceit. Self Awareness is the Awareness of love in the Self.  A single step torwards any of these in ernest is a single step to all of these in practice.
I Open my heart to the honest value that I deserve love given freely and with full knowlege and intent.  I know myself well enough to know that I am fully worthy.
This Affirmation goes excellently with Todays reading (the substance of which is in effect through July 6th)
A Reading For 6/22-7/6/11 but is a good thing to remember and repeat always.
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Transform your Life through Self Awareness and Integrity (Jupiter-Neptune Sextil/ Grand Cardinal Cross)

Q: Sun-Cancer, Uranus-Aries, Pluto-Capricorn, Saturn-Libra? 
R: Sun-Cancer, Jupiter-Taurus, Neptune-Pisces, Pluto-Capricorn
SO we got this CRAZY Cardinal cross weighing on us?  The trick?  Remember the Neptune Jupiter sextil I may have mentioned (like 5000 times... are you even listening?) Well, Really its that interaction I suggest you begin with.  Neptune in its own house of Pisces speaks as earnestly and truly of a transcendental experience of letting go of expectation and embracing spiritual non-physical values.  Jupiter in Taurus speaks of an expectation of slow comfortable optimism and expansion, establishing growth one step at a time.  When these sextil, we look to spiritual values to lead our slow building growth!  

From this focus we may key into 2 other important sextils.  1st is a Jupiter Taurus Sextil to the Sun in Cancer.  If we pay attention to our self intent toward building nurturing relationships that encourage growth of a parental or mentoring nature, we can use this to build off of the previously mentioned Jupiterian Taurus slow steady reliable optimism and expansion!  

Then we can utilize the Neptune Pluto trine which speaks to seeking a spiritual value to reset power relations in work business and practical life!  The key to all of this?  Clearness with self which becomes clearness with others, and vice verso.  You see honestly and self awareness are a building process!  It is often not easy to be honest because we are not self aware, and hard to be self aware because we are not honest.  

But when we make a small step one way or the other it will free us to find a bit of truth on the other side.  Step by step we grow our integrity and the clarity of our intention.  We thus claim our power, and become clear in what we want.  With commitment to this process things tend to build exponentially!

When we become clear in what we want, and step away from what we don't, our worthiness becomes easier to be aware of, and this allows us to expect things in direct clear honest ways... moreover it makes us ONLY want them like that.  

When we can know that what we want the universe wants to give us, that is high high holy magick!  Right now it is time to balance our internal (Jupiter and Neptune) spiritually, because these 2 are poised to do it if we merely put a little effort to listening.  That balance may be pulled to balance self identity (the Sun) and Power relations (Pluto), under this great positive energetic force, bringing a sort of cosmic harmony to the moment, will allow us to begin to get an understanding of the lessons of the Cardinal cross, and allow it to be a good thing, and the transformational impetus it should be!
"I take a step toward integrity, which gives me a view of more self awareness.  I take a step toward self awareness which allows me to take a step toward integrity.  As I know more of who I am and what I want, and accept that all that I want is only valuable to me when i get it honorably and honestly, I embrace my worthiness before and as part of the universe, and manifestation flows through me from the font of creation!"

For More Reading on:



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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Standing in our Souls Reaching For the Stars

Pop Quiz: 
Midsummer is: A. The point between Cancer and Gemini B. The longest day of the year
C. a great excuse to get ripped with Swedish friends  D. a day that also resonates with the Imun Coeli in the personal chart E.  All of the above
And yes, the answer is e.  For those of you who have the good fortune of getting ripped with Swedes today you might want to bookmark this and give it a read later (and Skol!)  The rest of you may be wondering what the heck I mean by the Imun Coeli etc etc... (those drinking at this point probably couldn't get this far into the articdle with any luck).
The Imun Coeli is the point in the chart exactly opposite the midheaven, and represents that place that is held deepest into ourselves. Often things along the Imun Coeli are hard to consider as they are almost subconscious.  This is of course reflective of this time of year.  Truly the midsummer is a time for doing not considerring.  It is the season of toil in the field.  
The energy of midsummer runs deep tho, so deep we may not even notice it!  And the message of this high holy day of the ancient Sun, as the Sun reaches the height of its power, and thus begins its cyclic decline, is all about the way we choose to do the things we do not think out.
The message is that all process is cyclical, but we must pay attention to what we do by rote if for no other reason than to be aware of the motivation behind what we barely notice we do!  So, at this time with such a powerful Neptune in the sky, and the sun straddling the Universal Imun Coeli (because thats what midsummer means) and in fact Pluto conjunct to the Universal Midheaven (the point opposite the Imun Coeli and representing our aspirations).  I propose we seek a midsummer nights dream, seeking out the mysteries of our collective unconscious, and coming clear on how we give take and use power (yup that's Pluto to you bub!)
To really do this I feel I need to explain a little thing or 2.  In terms of the standard form of astrology we deal with most of the time in this column, known as "Tropical" astrology, the positions of the planets are determined by standardised segments of the sky over the Earth that were set around 2,000 years ago.  At that time on the day of the Spring Equinox the Sun was positioned precisely at the cusp of Aries and Pisces, at Midsummer the Sun was Positioned precisely between Gemini and Cancer, the Fall equinox on the Virgo Libra cusp, and the Winter solstace Sagitarius Capricorn.  
Standardized Tropical astrology continues to read the chart precisely this way, and in general I find this to be quite useful, and straight forward.  However the literal stars in the sky have not remained quite so fixed and have slowly migrated in relation to this model over the course of thousands of years.  As the position of the Spring equinox's Sun has migrated across the sign of Pisces, for the Last 2,000 years (until recently) we have said that we were in the age of Pisces.  As of recently this position has moved into Aquarius.
And in Sidereal astrology these positions are the way the chart is read.  In general when considering the ages, and the positions of the Solstices/ equinoxes, I find it useful to understand them as another layer of information layed upon any chart.  I tend to think of it as a sort of "Universal House System" speaking to how we as a larger group in this space and time arrange energies and ideas. 
So when it comes to a personal chart such considerations may not be useful, and I would choose to just take Tropical astrology into account for the sake of simplicity.  However, when working with somthing like the actual date of the midheaven, and finding a spiritual connection to this ancient procession of the sun, then the sidereal position becomes important.  At this point our Midsummer lies at the cusp between Gemini and Taurus- moving deeper into taurus with each year.  Our deep collective uncoscious is one that seeks increasingly Taurun Values, of slow comfortable stability, while our aspirations (represented by the winter solstice) moves deeper into Scorpio representing the quest to claim our own individual power and come to grips with our mortality as an empowering move.
Right now with Pluto opposed to the Sun, we are given a fascinating moment to question power, and our attitudes torwards it form a safe solid comfortable space.  To lazily lye under a tree enjoy our midsummer night's dream, question the power of kings in the manner to which only a fool or a child is permitted, and maybe find the the head that wears the crown is a Jack-ass, or at least he wears no clothes.  Then again maybe thats what it means to wear a crown.  Its time to dance through the fog of our dreams, face our own mortality and know that we are the only authority we need, and the only place to put the blame.
Oh ya and SKOL!
"On this day of kings i speak truth to power and claim myself as center of my life.  I am the active force and Love and Own all that I am"

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Tuning to the Frequency of Joy: Meditation and Astrology as Tools in the Transcendental Tool Box

Remember a prayer is asking something from the universe, which is of course speaking to the universe.  Meditation is listening to the universe by listening in silence to what our inner self has to say.  Not the self that makes words, the self that can not speak when words are made.

When we use this kind of divine sacred listening it keeps us tuned into the universe, and when what some would consider difficult aspects confront us, it allows us to find them merely instructive, and when positive aspects present themselves it allows us to ride them for all they are worth.

This is because there is no part of us that is separate from the universe, and there is no part of our manifestation that does not vibrate precisely with the rest of the universe.
Our inner self, our deep true desire will always instruct us in precisely what we want, and therefore how we may stay in tune with the universe.

When we are hungry we eat.  When we hunger for expansion, we seek it.  When we desire love, we turn our hearts to the center and source of all love.  Its really that simple.  Astrology is just another tool to keep us in tune, and hopefully we only have to use it sparingly.

You see when we maintain a state of constant awareness of our true self, and constant harmony with the universe most of the direction we need comes from our own developed intuition, the psychic in us all!
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Cardinal Grand Cross: The Combustion Chamber of the Engine of Creation

We have been sitting under a Pluto-Saturn-Uranus T-square since the spring, and now as the Sun pulls its way through the end of Gemini and into Cancer, the Sun itself moves in to complete a grand cardinal cross.  This can be a very stressful configuration for many people, one of the chief ways that this is likely to manifest may be a simple overwhelming feeling of fatigue, emotional physical spiritual.  
It may be helpful to stop and understand the purpose of a grand cardinal cross in terms of the vibration of the universe.  Because there is no part of emanation that does not exist for good reason, so too, we must examine this configuration to understand what helpful things this vibration motivates us to take hold of!  
Motivation is truly the key word, because not only is motivation the key word for hard aspects in general, but indeed as these powers are lining up in the cardinal signs, motivation is underlined and capitalized.  This is a time to shake the boat, this is a time to examine old habits, old assumptions about desires.  This is a time to question what we base our security on, and question the wisdom of the very concept of security.
This is tiring and stressful because it is not something we do easily... but then again, all it takes is to choose to do it easily.  If we have the courage to question the assumptions of our needs we can re-order our foci to move in-line with what we really want, and thus with the natural vibrations of the universe.
In addition we can get a whole lot of help from Jupiter, Neptune the Moon and Chiron right about now!
The Moon and Neptune have come conjunct in Pisces, which means our sensitivity, empathy and just plain intuitive sense is about as keyed in as we can hope (the trick there is to make darn well sure we're listening).  Its a funny thing how we can be so distracted by the discomfort of our situation that we can allow that discomfort to distract us from the voice that leads us out!  
Sextil to Pluto, Our moon and neptune, what can well be a spiritual intuitive stance is poised to untie the knot of power-games and politics in Capricorn-the house of money and time and the Law!  Chiron is also conjunct, so there is a story of healing the world to overcome personal pain!  
These 3 are then Sextil to Jupiter in Taurus which speaks to strong steady advance an optimism that though slow moving focuses on enjoying the slow process of gradual manifestation, a manifestation that we know is strong, built as patiently and attentively as Taurus demands!
Jupiter Sextils the sun, reminding us to key into the expansive hopeful positive parts of our nature, and recognize when we do that fatigue does begin to lift.  More-so we hold onto that Jupiter-Neptune Lunar energy which is opening us up on the inside to loosening and redefining our expectations allowing us to transmute our goals into what we really want now.
Basically at the end of the day we have come to a grand place of redefinition, (on of many to be confronted this summer)  The point is to acknowledge what is uncomfortable, believe that we can find something else, and start looking without a preassigned idea of what is involved!
Remember part of the work we are doing is questioning the very presumption of what has been presumed to be "practical".  When the weight of the world gets to you, have you thought about just setting it down?

"I open to the new possibilities of my life.  I listen to the soft voice of my intuition, and allow it to teach me the new road of my hearts desire.  And I have faith that when I follow that song my bliss comes."

For More Reading on:

Appointments with your Rebel Astrologer, A. Drobny are available in Portland Oregon, or Worldwide on Skype (Or Phone or IM) through paypal to contact email:
follow us on Twitter: @rebelastrologer
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

6/16/11 One step at a time!

So anyone looking for a brilliant post, posted yesterday on the current Lunar-Solar opposition, I fear will be sad to hear that it was deleted in error.  It was deleted because I thought that I had gotten information wrong in it.  Half-way before finishing an apology post (and after deleting every trace of the old post) I double checked my information, and realized I had indeed been correct!  NO REALLY!  

This has provided a fantastic lesson, insecurities can run a bit wild right now! Moon cunjunct to Pluto opposing  Mercury...  Take it slow, don't jump to conclusions!  Your first thought is usually the best!  Don't be me! lol .  Choose confidence.

Lets face it Neptune is still super strong, and Uranus is rocking things around...  Best to take it one step at a time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I am Natural: An Affirmation

I come from Nature,

There is no force in the Universe that does not.

When I am true to myself, and listen to the guidance of my Spirit,

I am natural still.

When I connect to my source,

centered on my bliss,

with a heart full of love, 

I am a force of nature indeed!

Mercury-Venus Beauty and the Beholder

This is the second part of a series exploring the planet Mercury.  In this and following entries we discuss the way in which Mercury interracts with his fellow characters in the sky.  These entries are not a discussion of a current situation in the sky, but rather are included to expand the readers understanding on the subject of astrology in general, and how it applies to creating and maintianing a happy expansive fullfilling life in general!

Venus and Mercury "play" together in a way that is generally more enjoyable than most planetary couplings.  When Intellectual and communicative Mercury is enhanced by Venus Venus brings a warmth and a beauty, Mercury a skill and interest.
Desire and Intellect/communication combine to create an intoxicating elixir of performance, both from the standpoint of making for grand performance, and the standpoint of powerful attention. When Mercury is out of Balance with Venus (and thus vice verso) We find our thoughts clumsy and our social interactions difficult and ill-adept at best, we may come across as haughty, snide even show an intellectual snobbery.  This may not be the reality at all but stem from a deep personal difficulty possibly even a social phobia.
Clearly, the goal is to grow our way into balance so that each part of our lives in healthy balance.  Part of the trick to a healthy balanced Venus-Mercury relationship, is simply to remember what might seem obvious.  The most eloquent among us do so by listening to others.
It is by close observation of the moods, reactions, and even speaking styles of other people that we grow our ability to be heard.  Ultimately in balance the goal is a two-way conversation, even in oratory the focus of the speaker must always be the audience.
When we head Venus' soft touch Mercury's grand wit and skill can seduce a world, because he is learning what the world wants, and allowing himself to be seduced by it!  All good things are a reciprocal interaction.
This interpersonal idea should also be understood internally.  Mercury has the power of how we think, the easiest tool to change our lives in our arsenal.  Venus is about what we desire.  If we balance our thoughts with our sense of beauty and pleasure we change our thoughts by pursuing for lack of a better expression "Pretty" thoughts, and in doing so we become more eloquent, happier and more able to manifest the sorts of beauty we want.  
This is more than an exercise in creativity its an exercise in sensitivity and values.  The most beautiful possibilities raise the beauty of the whole world.
"Through Listening I find my Voice, Through Observing I find the Beauty I seek"

Intro Article for this Series on Mercury:
Mercury:Wandering Conversation, Wandering Mind 
The Follow-up Articles Deal With How Mercury Relates and Balances with Other Planets/Bodies:
Other Mercury related Stories

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